Ch. 1 - help me out!

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Hawk's POV:

I've been trying to tell rose how I feel but I just couldn't bring myself to do it, uugghhh, so I decided to ask Travis since he and Ling ling are now a couple.

I found them talking at the school garden.

"Uhmm, Travis can you help me out on something, in private?" I asked him.

"Sure, I'll be back Ling." He said to Ling ling and kissed her cheek.

We went to a place where we can talk in private.

"So what is it?" Ha asked.

"I need advice." I said.

"In what, telling Rose how you feel?." He said teasingly.


He looked at me teasingly.

"Fiinne, yes." I admitted.

"Aha! I knew it, so what do you need?" He said.

"I need a way that I can tell Rose how I feel without..... You know getting too nervous." I said.

It took him a minute before he spoke.

"Alright, how about you and Rose hang out after school to her favorite place, and when you think it's time go ahead and tell her how you feel." He instructed.

"Hmmmmm, that just might do it thanks Travis." We fist pumped.

"No problem, I better get back Ling ling might be worried." He chuckled.

"Yeah, let's go." I laughed.


Rose's POV:

We were at heroism class, when hawk whispered something to me.

"Hey Rose, let's hang out after school." He asked.

"Sure, but where?" I asked.

"Your favorite place." He said.

"The shoe store?!" I asker excited.

"Yep, and I have something to tell you there." He said a bit nervously.


Class went on and it was finally over.
I was headed to the school gate to see Hawk waiting there for me.

"Ready Rose?" He asked.

"Yeah!!" I yelled in excitement.

We went through the gate and we went to my favorite shoe store.

"Well if it isn't our favorite customer Rose, I have just the perfect shoes for you." The shoe seller said.

He opened a box and showed me the prettiest shoes ever!!!, they were pink with glitters and I can't take my eyes off if it.

I tried them on and they were the perfect fit, I payed for them and Hawk nervously said to me.

"Uhhh, Rose I have something to tell you." He said nervously.

"OK, what is it?" I asked curious.

"Okay don't get mad but i....... you....... *sigh* I love you Rose." He said.

Me eyes widened and he looked down.

"Hawk I......"

OK sooooo so sorry that it is short I have to end it here so I will put the rest in text chapter, so I decided to put a cliffhanger sorry again, I will make the next chapter longer ok.

So that's about it

Don't forget to

And remember.....
Go live that fairytale inside of you!

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