I was already over the Kosegruppa meeting not even half an hour into it

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I was already over the Kosegruppa meeting not even half an hour into it. We had played the usual terrible group games that Vilde had prepared. The problem weren't even the games. The problem was that no one was really excited to participate in them. Isak and Even were terribly touchy and cute, even worse then they normally were. Eva was texting a guy from Elvebakken the whole time, Chris had called in sick, Mahdi and Jonas were too weirded out by Vilde's  suggestions to do anything and the other people followed after them. Vilde was the only one trying to keep everyone energised and happy with Sana and me supporting her in the ways we could. Magnus was the only one really participating which might be caused​ by the fact that he was hopelessly in love with Vilde.

"Let's split into pairs of two now, okay?" Vilde called out and a murmur ran through the crowd. "I want you guys to be with someone you feel comfortable enough talking to and yet don't know everything about!"

Of course, everyone chose one of their friends. Even paired with Isak and even Vilde chose Magnus. What a hypocrite.
Sana and me usually teamed up together but when I looked at her I saw that she had already chosen Noora.
I sighed. Jonas was seated between Mahdi and Eva on a bench and I made my way up to him.

"Don't you have a partner?" He asked me grinning up at me and I shook my head.

"Do you wanna team up with me?" I asked him and smiled, hoping for him to say yes.

He rubbed his forehead and tilted his head, his eyes apologetically widened. "Oh, nei, sorry, I'm already with Eva."

"Oh." I looked at her in surprise. She grinned at me and nodded. I hadn't even noticed that she had stopped texting.

"Mahdi still doesn't have a partner though." She pointed towards Jonas' friend.

"Ja, okay." I looked at him and he avoided to meet my eyes.

"Greit." Eva stood up and took a stance in the circle Vilde had asked us to form, Jonas following her after smiling at me.

I averted my eyes back to Mahdi. He had stood up as well and was now directly in front of me.

"Well, this is awkward. " He said and I couldn't help but grin.

"Tell me about it." I chuckled and took a deep breath. "Partner?"

"Partner." Mahdi nodded and sent me a smile. "Shall we?" He made a gesture towards the circle.

I nodded and stepped into line, Mahdi always next to me. Luckily, we hadn't been the last couple. Two girls took a stance a few seconds after us.

"We want you to go and hang out with each other a few times, or maybe just once-" Vilde added after she saw a few eye roles. "And then next week, you will hold a small presentation on your partner and their interests and everything. Afterwards we want you to say something nice that you've recently learned about them. Give them a compliment of some sort." Vilde cleared her throat before continuing. "And we'd like it to be something character-wise, not superficial. That is too​ easy. So ja..." She trailed off and Magnus put his arm around her waist reassuringly, smiling down at her.

"We just think that it would be a nice idea to get to know the bottom of a person's character." Noora jumped in. "Because we judge people way too​ easily by the way they look. And maybe you'll be able to find a person with similar interests and make a new friend."

Vilde nodded excitedly. "Ja, because that is what Kosegruppa is for. To make new friends and have a good time."

Mahdi snorted and scooted a little closer towards me. "I was having a jolly good time tonight. I specifically liked the exercise where we had to sing to each other. How about you?"

I bursted out laughing but tried to hide it by coughing a few times after seeing Vilde's furrowed eyebrows and Noora's exasperated look towards me.

"Sorry." I muttered and elbowed Mahdi to shut him up. "Wrong tube. Swallowed up."

"Ja, well." Vilde smiled at everyone one last time before concluding: "This was it for today, we'll hope to see you again next week, bring your friends and thank you for coming."

We clapped at her little goodbye speech and Even and Magnus cheered in support of Vilde. This caused her cheeks to tint pink. A proud smile spread on her face.

"We should probably schedule a time for a meeting or something to get these presentations done." Mahdi spoke up to me as everyone was shuffling around, laughing, talking and packing their bags.

I raised my eyebrow at him. "You want to return to Kosegruppa?"

"Apparently it's to make new friends and I like new friends." He shrugged and grinned, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Alright then." I laughed and grabbed my phone and chord from the little shelf with the loudspeakers. "Just message me on Facebook about which day would be best for you."

Mahdi nodded and rearranged the reversed cap on his head. "Sounds good to me. I'll see you around then."

"Ha det." I waved at him walking off before taking my jacket and backpack of a bench by the wall and making my way towards my group of friends, standing by the door.


hallå hallå
It's a new day and a new chapter
this jonas thing is starting to go somewhere, hehe
As always, leave a comment and a like
I love you
Ria xx

PS: You're comments and votes and reads mean so much to me. We're already at 1k reads and there's so many lovely comments. You guys are honestly the best.

PPS: Can we talk about yesterday's​ and today's S4 clip thoooo?

Me | SKAM Jonas VasquezNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ