Chapter 32: Like Me

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|| A L I V I A ||

Alivia found herself giving off a confused but an also interested gaze. "Secrets of Peter?" She voiced over to herself. "That's right doll, some really funny tales that'll knock you down laughing." Newt said fixing the way his shirt sat on his shoulders.

An ice cold glare was immediately casted towards Newt, "Shut it before I shut it for you," Peter hissed. "Woah, woah, woah, no need to get defensive-" Alivia said she stood between the two cousins "-It can't be that bad." "That's where you are wrong doll." Newt spouted from behind her shoulder.

"Newt," Peter said his not changing a single vocal of hatred but his face softened as he turned his eyes towards her. "Alivia these stories are and will be a complete waste of your time if you do care so enough to listen to them," Peter placing planning his hands on her shoulders. "Well now you've got me slightly intrigued." Alivia said titling her head slightly.

"Please don't ask him about them," Peter pleaded, his eyes rounds and wide. Alivia couldn't help but smile. "Of course." She said. Kissing the top of her Peter dragged his arms down to where his hands met her own. "Thank you." He said as she heard a small gasp from behind her.

Swiveling around Newt stood with his hands hovering slightly above his mouth. "Are you guys like a thing?" Newt sputtered out. Looking simoatainisly at each other they both broke out into a smile. "Is it not obvious enough?" Peter asked looking back at Newt. "Who all knows?" "Nobody but you?" "I feel so special." "In some ways you are." Peter said casually as Newt shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I just didn't expect you guys to get together so soon. " "Newt you are being dramatic again." Peter said his eyebrow raising with slight awareness of how distant his cousin suddenly seemed. "I just have to processes all of this like over there or something." He said and without another word the paled boy walked away from the duo and towards another camp.

"Is he okay?" Alivia pondered out loud. "He's fine, will you join me as I go get some food?" Peter asked peering down from underneath his long hair. "I would love to." She said falling in line next to him as they walked down to the pantry of Neverland.

When they had arrived they stood side-by-side in silence as they pondered on what they were craving for at that moment. "Sugar?" "Yes?" Alivia answered almost immediately.

"No I meant the sugar," he said as his voice slowly fell into a hush whisper as he nudged his head over to the container full of sugar by her side. "O-oh~" Alicia muttered, her face flushing in embarrassment. Taking the container into her hands she passed it over to Peter, hiding her face behind her hair while doing so.

After moments of complete silence, Alivia finally decided on what she wanted. "Honey bun?" "Mhm?" Peter hummed in response as he mixed his strawberries with the sugar. "Um~" Alivia went silent for a second, coming up with a steady voice. "I meant, the honey buns." She said as she pointed to the box full of the tasty treats up above Peter's head.

Coughing in order to clear his throat he grabbed one out of the box, and handed it to her, avoiding any and all eye contact in the process. "Thank you," she whispered as she unwrapped the tasty snack. Though she knew that they didn't mean for her to hear, she still could hear in a distant three boys muttering to each other.

"I can feel the tension from here," she heard Zander mutter. "I think I face palmed for them," Newt chuckled out. "Now I know what it's like to be you," Felix said over to, most likely, Zander.

Taking the plastic off of the Honey Bun, she hummed to herself so that she could calm the racing heart in her chest. "Want some," she questioned holding out a piece to Peter. "Thank you," he murmurs taking the piece from her fingers.

"No problem," she said thoughtfully, a carefree smile placing it way to her lips.
"Hey Livia-" Peter began just before the door opened and in came a small herd of boys. Almost automatically she knew who they were. "Hey guys," she greeted towards Kit, Reese, and Baelfire.

"Hey," Kit muttered in response. "And this is the food pantry, whenever you are hungry just come on down here." Reese informed. With a small nod of his head Baelfire looked up and over at Peter and Alivia.

"How are you taking everything in?" Alivia asked to the new boy. "Good enough," he responded quietly. His eyes immediately casting to the ground. "Well, we are going to take Baelfire to this secret thing that us and the gang do," Kit spouted heading towards the door.

"See you," Kit said with Baelfire walking behind. As soon as the door closed Alivia's gaze went back towards Peter, who greeted her with a soft smile. "You're really good with the whole welcoming in new kids." Alivia smiled slightly at the thought.

"I just wonder," she said trailing off to her own thoughts. "Wonder what?" Peter asked his head tilting slightly to the left. "I just wonder what happened to the new boy," she said her eyebrows furrowing in thought.

"Give him time Alivia, for all we know he's just shy." "I know I know, I just can't help but wonder if he's like me." She muttered. "Has something been bothering you?" He asked concern filling into his voice.

Alivia pushed her lips tightly shut. She knew she hadn't been completely great at hiding the dooming thought that clouded her mind. "Yea," she whispered. And without warning Peter pulled her into a tight embrace. "Do you want to talk about it? I understand if you don't-" "I'll tell you."

Surprise I haven't forgotten about this, I just needed to find motivation ahaha. Lmaooo anywho enjoy this stuff and stuff!!

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