Chapter 45: Shoot Me

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|| A L I V I A ||

"We have to get to them before it's too late" Baelfire called over the noise that rung through her ears. Nodding she darted to the Skull Cave slicing down branches that came into her way. As she continued her path she felt the ground she raced against weaken.

"Just like old times huh?" Zander beamed throwing out classic finger guns. "Shoot me you ass," Blake hissed a smile tugging at his lips. "Blake that'd be unethical." "I was joking." "Oh, well you suck at it." Zander said as they ran alongside of each other.

"What's happening?" Alivia asked over to Bae. "It's Makenna and Pan they are trying to kill Henry." He summed up. "Kill?" Ace screeched. "Did you tell Felix and Newt?" Alivia said focusing back to the path.

"Yea they told me to get you." She nodded as they all continued forth. "I'm so-" Kit began "-so out of shape." He wheezed as Reese laughed in delight. Alivia went to look behind her, but ended up tripping over a root.

Cursing she paused in horrid awe as her eyes danced across the dead horizon that reached the open sea. "We have to keep going." Reaching the entrance of Skull Cave, she halted. "What are you doing?" Bae asked staring at her. "A barrier." She said pursing her lips.

"Shit how are we going-" she brought up her sword slicing through the magical barrier. "Like that." She said looking over at him. Just past him stood Newt and Felix. "Hey guys." She greeted.

"Okay are you ready to end this?" Bae asked. Alivia never wanted to gravely hurt someone but if they took control of a world and tried to kill children she'd make an exception. Nodding firmly she ran it, not waiting for anyone to follow.

Skidding to a complete stop she saw the boy, Henry, walk to the beam of light that would kill him. Not needing to think twice she pushed past the two that stood there. One with a greedy smile while the other with an emotionless glance.

Pushing the boy to the side she flung herself right in the life sucking beam. Grunting she kept herself up long enough to throw her dagger straight at Makenna, piercing her heart.

With no more strength she fell to the floor with a thud. Her ears picked up the distant footsteps of the others coming up. "Alivia!" Baelfire cried out freezing in shock. Forcing her eyes up she saw Peter's widen with realization.

"Livia," he breathed running to her side. Frantically he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "I'm so sorry," he whispered his voice covered in complete and utter pain. He's back. Forcing a smile to her lips she met his now clear brown eyes.

"It's not your fault," she coughed out using the rest of her strength to caress his cheek. It burned her bones, yet it was worth it. Knowing in those brief moments that he wouldn't forgive himself for hearing those words she forced out three more. "I forgive you," she said as she watched the boy's eyes fill with tears.

"Please don't go," he sobbed cradling her into his lap. "Don't go please," he begged pulling her closer than she thought she'd ever be again. "I love you," she murmured as she felt the feeling in her hands and legs disappear. "M-y my," she struggled to get out.

"Ali.." she heard a voice choke out. Ace sat there his lips set to a deep frown. "Dinna die, remember the fair?" He quizzed grabbing her hand. "I'm sure Newt and Peter will still take you." She breathed.

"I'm promise you that little buddy." Newt said tousling his brother's hair. She watched him, knowing that there was finally peace. "Hey doll," Newt whispered. "I promise you I will." All that she could do now was smile.

"I love you too." Peter murmured squeezing his eyes shut. Hopefully what she had done wouldn't cause too much damage. She didn't want to hurt her family like that. In a sudden moment her eyes saw blank darkness, she heard faint screams and then nothing at all.

Some reactions ig

——A/N———Some reactions ig

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

The holy trinity

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

The holy trinity.
Though this is the last actual chapter there is five page epilogue coming!!
(Decided that after not wanting to write a whole book again lol) so stayed tuned for that
-what'll be diff in those is that they'll be shorter (like way shorter hah)

Tethered || Peter Pan OUATNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ