Chapter 30: Here

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|| A L I V I A ||

"Is he going to be okay?" Alivia questioned as she peered over Aidan's shoulder where Peter sat. His face was paled, drained for the normal color that was flushed across his skin.

His eyes seemed distant, as if there wasn't anything he could come to focus on. As if he were trapped in some sort of a trance, which made Alivia's fingers twitch in anticipation. "He will be if you go away." Adian said giving her a pointed look.

Chuckling nervously Alivia rubbed the back of her neck. Doing so, she could feel the small droplets of sweat that had seemed to be stuck in place on her skin. "Aha right," she said stepping back and away from the boy. "I'll just be over this way." She said shuffling away from the boy.

As she walked backwards, she was left oblivious to what was behind her. Feeling herself back into another, her shoulders tensed up.

Swirling around herself, her eyes landed on one of the new boys. His hair was as dark as the dust that was left in patches across his face. "I'm sorry," Alivia sputtered out in surprise.

Blinking quickly he shook his head, "No no, it's okay," he said swallowing hard. "What's your name?" She asked offering a smile the boy. She watched as his eyes faltered to the ground. "Uh, I'm Bae-Baelfire," he stuttered out.

"Nice to meet you Baelfire, I'm Alivia." She said. Seeing that the boy was fumbling with his fingers, Alivia's felt her smile falter. Often times, that was what she would do when she felt intimidated. Whenever she felt like she was in danger.

"There's no need to be afraid." She said shifting her head in attempt to catch his glance. "Nobody's gonna hurt you." She said, in hopes to calms his nerves.

Looking up, she saw as his eyebrows furrowed. "Are you sure about that?" He asked. Alivia opened her mouth, ready to ask a question that nagged at the back of her mind. "What happened-" But, she was cut off before she could finished the question.

"Ali!" She heard a voice holler, grabbing her attention. "Ali quick," Ace said grasping her arm. "What? What's happening?" She asked startled. "Something you don't want to miss." He nudging his head to the left.

Starting after the younger boy, she stopped herself almost immediately and glanced behind herself. "C'mon," she said over to the boy that stood, rubbing his arms in anticipation. Nodding, his hair moved with the motion that reminded Alivia of all of the boy boys in Neverland. Turning with a smile etched in her lips, she started forth.

Alivia knew about halfway there what was happening. Between hearing growls, grunts, and cheers, she knew a fight had broken out. There, two boys sat in the middle of the circle grabbing at each other in pure hatred. Halting to a stand-still she desperately analyzed the boy's faces.

Alivia could feel her heart stop as she realized that on the ground was Reese and on top of him was Preston. Looking around quickly, Felix nor Newt were in sight. Straightening her back, Alivia cursed quietly under her breathe knowing exactly what she needed to do.

Running into the fight Alivia shoved Preston off of the younger boy. Rolling and standing up in a swift motion, the boy had his hands balled into fists. "Oho would you look at that, the princess of Neverland has arrived." He said smirking as he gave a small bow of his head.

Narrowing her eyes down at the boy, she resisted all urges to slam his head into a tree. "Don't touch any of these boys again, you hear?" She asked sternly. "Whatever you say Miss. Independent." He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he staggered away.

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