Chapter 4: Complicated

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|| A L I V I A ||

She looked at Felix trying to
decide what exactly would his reaction be. But there was no way to predict his corse of action. "How about you get her some water and a blanket," Peter said from behind cutting into the dead silence.

His arms were crossed as he looked Alivia up and down. Felix nodded grimly before standing and leaving. Peter watched as Felix left disappearing to retrieve the two items. After Felix was gone, he turned his attention to the girl.

He cautiously walked over to her, squatting so his eye level was to hers. "Do you want to talk about it?" Was his one and only question. Her heart quickened. She didn't know why but she was afraid.

She sighed looking up into the eyes of the brown eyed boy. "Its- its complicated." She responded nervously shifting and twiddling with her fingers. Peter shifted as he took a seat beside of her.

"Well you're pretty complicated person yourself." He admitted shifting his gaze to the sky "You know they say if you tell someone your nightmares you'll feel better," he taunted looking back at her. "But it's whatever you like," he added shrugging his shoulders.

Alivia gave off a ghost of a smile, happy that he had upmost respect for her. "Maybe some other time," she began "don't want to be an open book on the first day," she finished a small smirk tugging at her lips.

The boy beside her chuckled ever so slightly. "Yep, very complicated person," he commented resting his head on the stump of the tree. "You really think so?" She questioned him raising a brow.

She only got more confused when she heard a chuckle beside of her. "Definitely. I see potential, you do know you have a powerful aura around you, right?" Peter shot back.

Alivia hesitated not fully sure if she should answer or not. "I do," she admitted looking over at him "But again that'll have to wait," she added biting the inside of her lip.

Peter opened his mouth to respond but Felix had arrived. He dropped the blanket on top of her head making a smile form on her lips. She pulled the blanket over her head and into her lap.

Her eyes landed on a cup of water in front of her. Her bony fingers reached out and grasped ahold of it. She carefully brought the cup up to her chapped lips and sipped on the water, wanting it to last forever.

But anything good does come to an end. "Thank you," she told Felix handing the cup back to him. "So Felix and I decided," she heard Peter began standing beside of Felix.

But wasn't he just sitting beside of me? She questioned to herself looking at Peter with only the slightest bit of confusion. "Since we're guessing you have nightmares a lot we need someone making sure that you'll be woken up during a nightmare so you don't disturb the other boys," he explained the beginning of the idea to her.

"And you'll be staying in Felix's tent," he answered her unasked question. "So like a roommate?" She asked glancing over at Felix's expression. Felix shrugged his shoulders. "If you want to look at it that way then sure,"

He answered her question grinning ever so slightly down at her. She grinned standing up, supporting herself with the tree behind of her. The soft blanket held under her arm.

"Shall we?" She questioned confidently. Hoping and praying that she wouldn't collapse as soon as she took a step away from the tree. "Yep, if you follow me this way," Felix said turning away from Alivia and making his way towards the tents.

Alivia mentally prepare herself, she inhaled and took a step away. And just like she suspected her knees popped and she tumbled to the ground. She sighed scolding herself under her breathe.

"Need help?" A voice called down to her. She looked up to see Peter in front of her, his eyebrow cocked with a sly smirk. Alivia nodded in embarrassment. "That'd be nice," she mumbled up to him.

She pushed herself up, Peter grabbing ahold of her before she could fall again. "I'll just make this a lot simpler and quicker." He said picking her up bridal style. "This'll be quicker?" She question skeptically.

He nodded his head not saying a word and walked towards Felix's tent. Once they were inside, by the looks of it, Felix had made a little sleeping bed bag sort of thing on the ground.

"It's about time, I thought you'd both got lost," Felix mused standing from the ground. Peter shrugged his shoulders setting Alivia on the sleeping bag. "You know how easy it is to get lost," Peter responded smirking at the taller boy.

"Good thing a few of us know our way around," Felix said over his shoulder as he took a seat on his plush bed slipping off his ratted cloak. Peter nodded "well, goodnight," he muttered walking out of the tent.

Alivia shifted in her spot so she could look up at the blond headed boy. "So I was wondering girl, what happened in your nightmare?" Felix asked shooting off a questioning gaze. She inhaled and opened her mouth to respond.

She went against ever fiber that was screaming NO and tried to focus on the the ones pleading YES. Alivia started to feel a headache creeping inside of her ready to attack.

She decided that she'd sum it up not giving off too much information, since she could never let anyone know who she really was and where she had been. Only a few memories so that she could satisfy him and he'd not ask her again.

She opened her gray eyes the ring of blue around her pupil brighter than it had ever been. "You can not tell anyone," she said hating herself for opening up. But she needed to show the camp that they could trust her.

No more secrets.

This book needs to get more sassy tbh

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