Chapter 2: The Shadow The Savior

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|| dream in italics ||
|| A L I V I A ||

The lighting was fuzzy, as if there was sheet of paper wrapped around the light bulb, dimming the source of light. She carefully walked out of her bedroom door and into the cold hallway. Looking to the right of her, her eyes scanned the scene before her.

A smile wove its way to her lips. Her gray orbs landed on her mother and a punch of joy came to her heart. Quickly continuing down the hallway her bare feet slapped against the concrete floor. But as the girl came up to the end of the hallway she froze as her ears picked up on a small hum of an argument.

Once she got the full view of what was happening, her eyes landed on him. There he stood flinging his arms in no determined direction, his lips trembling with anger. She watched in horror as he brought up a beefy fist preparing to send a blow to her mother's face.

She ran as fast as her legs could bring her. She flung herself off of the arm of the couch, in front of the women she loved most, receiving the first huge blow. The air was pulled completely out of her lungs, causing her to stagger back slightly. "Move," her stepfather hissed. She gulped down all her fear and looked him straight in the eye,

She stood in confidence remembering as her father's last words "protect your mother for me," ringing in her ears. She narrowed her eyes down at him and shook her head and at that very moment she saw that she had lit dynamite through his very own eyes. Reaching forward with no hesitation he grabbed a fistful of her shirt bringing her close to his face and then-

Jolting awake her eyes flew open, across the yard she saw Felix talking to a completely new person. Squeezing her eyes shut, she attempted to erase the memory that had come into play in her dream. With her heart thumping against her rip cage, she gasped quietly for air. And without even telling her mind to do so, her ears picked up on the exchange of words.

"The Shadow brought a new one here while you were gone," she heard a boy say. It was Felix's voice if she could remember correctly. "Well, where is he?" Another one questioned, not placing any face with the voice that spoke with she strained her ear even more.

Felix waited a second to answer the other male. "It's actually a she this time," he answered. The other one didn't respond but instead shifted. "Show me to her," the unknown male finally said.

She decided to keep her eyes shut. Maybe if she was "asleep" they'd leave her in peace and wait for her to awake. But, who was she kidding, she wasn't anything special to either of them. Why would they give her peace?

She heard two pair of feet making their way over to her. Trying her best to be as visibly relaxed, she slowed her breathing to a steady rate. "Bloody hell," the new, unfamiliar, voice spoke.

She felt his presence as he come closer to her face. The silence that surrounded them both was overwhelming, the anticipation, the unknown, all started to pile up. She started to panic and it took every ounce of her will to not show her distress. Feeling a finger push away a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Her heart picked up its pace quickly.

She flinched allowing her eyes to snap open. Her breathing quickened as soon as she allowed it. The unknown boy stared at her with a raised eyebrow. He had a head full of soft brown hair, with neutral brown eyes. This must be Peter. She thought silently to herself as Felix had spoke to the boy with high respect.

"Felix we need to clean the wounds," he said inspecting her legs without a second thought of hesitation. "Get Aidan and tell him to bring all of his medical supplies with him." He finished still inspecting the bare skin. She watched as Felix gave a curt of a nod and went off into camp trying to find an Aidan.

They sat there in silence, as her heart rate went down to a somewhat slower pace. She arched her back as she sat in discomfort, biting the inside of her cheek to hide the grunts of pain. But, that did no good since the boy's eyes finally met her own. And in that brief moment she had realized that his eyes were a marvelous green. Breaking away from the gaze, his eyes flickered to rope that bounded her two arms together. Eyes narrowing as he could see more scattered bruises.

He leaned forward taking out his knife. She knew what he was doing. But she still couldn't help herself but to feel alarmed. And with a quick swipe the rough rope fell heavily to the ground. She let out a small sigh of relief as she brought her arms to her chest rubbing the swelled wrists.

The boy reached out a gentle hand as if to say Can I check them too? Timidly she brought her arms out to his hands. Looking down at them, a frown formed on his bright red lips. His thumb grazed across her skin causing her to grimace silently. He stopped at the circular burn that sat on her arm, looking more closely at the inflamed burn, she could see his eyes become fixated with the wound.

She bit her lip in all attempts to keep the screams inside of her. After all just the slightest movement of her arm made the burn flare with uncontrollable pain.

The boy looked up at her with an overwhelmed look across his face before it disappeared completely. He pursed his lips before his mouth opened to speak, most likely a question, but was cut off when Felix returned with a boy by his side. She assumed that was Aidan since he seemed to have a bag across his shoulders.

Once they arrived in front of Peter and Alivia, Aidan set all of the equipment down carefully to the side. His dark orbs glanced over her skin debating what could be of use at that moment. She swiftly closed her eyes not wanting to see how Aidan was helping her wounds. It always made the deed more horrifying than what it was in reality.

She tried to think of something, anything else, to keep her mind busy. She raked the depths of her mind for a single beautiful memory and she finally found something. She hadn't thought of six impossible things yet.

Before she could begin on the list, she felt the soft and caring hands of Aidan leave. Opening her eyes, she saw that the three boys were still present. She glanced down at her arms and legs that seemed to be more pleasing to the eye, she looked back up with a soft smile brushing against her lips she said "Thank you." Her voice hush, but was loud enough for him to hear.

Aidan smiled meekly at her and turned and left as soon as he came. She sat only wondering one and only one question. Glancing up she looked at the still unnamed boy. She fought herself inwardly if she should ask the question or not. Her conscious in a civil war on what she should do.

She opened her mouth finding the guts to ask the damned question. "What's your name?" She asked out loud her gray eyes locking with his green ones. The boy smirk his eyes gleamed with mystery. "I'm Peter Pan," he said and with that he turned and left.

Gah I'm sorry that this chapter was slow I swear the next one won't. :/

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