Chapter 13: Bonehead

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|| P E T E R ||

"I bet you can't guess what my favorite color is," Peter challenged straightening his shoulders a small smirk playing at his lips. He watched thoughtlessly as Felix narrowed his eyes giving a side glance to Newt. Seeing that Newt shrugged his shoulders, Felix huffed with slight irritation.

"How about green?" Newt asked slumping against the back of his chair. "When I'm surrounded by it all day everyday? Are you stupid?" Peter replied without hesitation. Newt chuckled "I've came to that conclusion before yes." Not taking an offense to the the rather "harsh" words. "Did you know that replying to a stupid question or answer with sarcasm shows a healthy brain?" Alivia quizzed from beside of Peter.

"I did not. Well you see lads I told you my sarcastic manner was a good thing," Peter said grinning at Alivia who almost immediately returned the gesture.

"What about gold?" Felix asked still caught up on the small challenge. It have been a few minuets of the boy after with himself before coming to a conclusion. "No, it's obviously a fabulous thing to have possession of. But the actual color does not suit my liking." Peter explained.

"How about orange!" A voice said from beside of him. "Why would you guess that?" "Oh, uh, it was just a guess," she replied with a small stutter. "I've never associated orange with anything bad. And well I don't have know." She mumbled quickly.

"Well you got it right," he said. But if was going to be completely honest with himself, he didn't have a favorite color until he heard the word slip from her mouth. Enthusiasm her eyes lit up, casting off a warm aurora to anyone relatively near her.

Just then Newt stood with a jolt. "Ah c'mon," he said cursing under his breathe. He had dropped the piece of cake he had been holding all over him.

From his chin to his feet, traces of icing made its way down him. Laughing Peter glanced over to Alivia, who was trying to suppress her laughter. Probably to be respectful, or not sure if she'd get the cold shoulder for laughing.

That was, until, she looked up and over at Peter. That was when she busted out laughing. He had never really heard a girl's laugh filled with so much joy in his life. And he had been around for a while.

Clearing his throat, Felix grabbed both of their attention. "How about we get our friend here cleaned up aye?" He said nudging his head towards his tent. Sighing he stood giving Felix an annoyed side glance. "I'll see you later," he said to the gray eyed girl.

"Bye," she said smiling slightly as she stood and walked away. "Remember what I told you-" Felix began before Peter cut him off.

"Yeah yeah," he said narrowing his eyes at him. "But you need to back off just a tad." He muttered walking away with Newt at tow.

|| A L I V I A ||

Walking around aimlessly for a solid minuet, Alivia took a seat near six other boys. "Hey nice hands Reese," a boy with tousled black hair said smirking slightly.

Alivia was pretty sure his name was Nixon. "Uh.... Thanks?" He said looking down at them with confusion.
"I bet they'd look good wrapped around my-" the boy began to say something.

That was until a boy from the end of the bench came running stuffing himself in-between Reese and another boy. "Wrapped around the bible praise the lord!" He said rather quickly. His radiant blue eyes full of panic.

Tethered || Peter Pan OUATDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora