Chapter 5: Open Book

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|| A L I V I A||

"I was beat up," she stated simply sounding confident and not a waver in her voice. "Beat up?" Felix questioned raising a brow and leaned forward. "C'mon girl I'm not that stupid, there's more," he insisted his eyes eager to know everything.

Alivia smiled "Yes, there is more you're right," she said scanning his face that had morphed into triumph thinking she'd actually tell him everything. "But I just met you, I just got here. And I'm going to say the same thing as I told Peter," she paused for a second to see if he was still following.

"I can't be an open book on the first day," she said clamping her red lips shut before she said too much. Felix seemed to be debating with himself on wether or not if he should push further or leave it as it was. After about a minuet of him internally debating with himself he rolled over to the left side of his bed, away from Alivia.

He lifted his worn down sheets over him but before he blew the candle that was illuminating the room with a soft dim gold out and he spoke.

"At first I thought you had too much pride but I just realized it's not your pride but that you've been hurt far too hurt to open up," so quietly that she almost missed it.

But she heard it, she heard it like it was a sore thumb. She knew he hadn't actually punched her or physically hurt her in any way but the pain in her chest told her otherwise. "Goodnight Felix," she whispered looking up at the bed beside of her.

She heard a quiet mumble and nothing more. Alivia sighed glancing down at her covered feet in deep thought. She knew she couldn't go back to sleep but maybe it was for the best.

She couldn't do anything in this new realm. She'd most likely get lost the first step outside of this tent. Maybe tomorrow she could ask Felix to show her around.

She sighed squeezing the blanket tightly over herself trying her best to coax herself into a short slumber, maybe there would be no dreams and most likely just an empty space of pitch black.

And those very thoughts tricked her battered brain to think there was no actual harm for her to fall asleep. She took one last glance over to Felix reminding herself that she wasn't completely alone this time.
Just as sleep hit her like a brick in the head. She felt someone shake her awake. Her eyes flew open landing right on the soft brown eyes that greeted her last night.

Alivia looked over at the empty but neatly made bed no trace of evidence that anyone had slept there in the first place. She turned back to the rather young boy with a raised brow. "Where's Felix?" She questioned quietly pushing herself into a sitting position waiting for the boy in front of her to explain.

"He had to teach some of the newer lads how to use a bow and arrow, or for that fact any weapon," he answered reaching out his left arm to help her up. Her eyes glanced down from his face to his open arm.

She only nodded in response forgetting that Felix was second in command and most likely busy with other duties throughout the day.

"So what are we going to do?" She murmured taking the outstretched hand. "I'm going to show you around," Peter replied pulling the fragile girl up. She nodded whilst waiting for Peter to guide the way.

As they made their way out of the actually warm tent. Surprise dawned on her when the camp was half empty but she quickly reminded herself that the people who lived here had responsibilities to attend to.

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