Chapter 35: Light

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|| A L I V I A ||

"Muggin' shit!" Ace hollered. Picking herself up quickly, Alivia snatched the hat and went over to Peter. "Whet happened Ali?" Ace called from behind her. "Um-" Alivia paused kneeling down next to Peter "-nothing." She said.

"Donna look like nofin'." "You got me there." She remarked. Pushing back the hair from his eyes, she was relieved to see that he was still conscious. "Livia," Peter muttered looking at her. Smiling softly she helped him to his feet.

"Let's get you to your room." She said once she had finally gotten him to his feet. Ace without a word went to his other side, holding him up for support. "It definitely donna look like noffin'." Ace mutter with displeasure.

Giving Ace a sly smile she chuckled. "You never give up now do ya?" With a shake of his head, the trio walked the rest of the way in silence. "Night' ya buggers," Ace said as they lowered Peter onto the bed.

"Night." Alivia said watching the younger boy skip out of the tent and into the darkness that surrounded the camp. Looking over at Peter, he was sliding under the sheets pulling them up to his chin.

Jumping up next to him in the bed she leaned on her elbow and peered down at him. "Hey," she said softly. Peter looked up at her his eyes soft and sorrowful. "Hi," he responded, which was barley audible to the ears.

"What did she do to you?" She murmured her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. In the darkness Alivia could see his eyes clouding up with tears as he opened his mouth.

"It was Poppy." He sputtered out and almost immediately she moved down next to him. "And all of these memories-" but before he could finish his voice cut out, choking on his own words.

Pulling him close to her, she wanted nothing more than to take all of his pain away. Turning towards her, his arms wrapped around her, now he was the one pulling her in close.

"I'm so sorry," she muttered as her chin rested on his head. Alivia knew that Peter would be thinking that she was saying sorry as a way to empathize with him. But in reality she blamed herself for once again hurting someone she loved.

"Here watch this," she said turning away from him, they lied side by side. No gap was there to be filled, she could feel him calming his breathe. Bringing her left arm out she eased out the metallic sand that was stored in her body.

The sand danced to her every command as she made it move without a sound. Though it was dark, it was still defined by the moonlight that peaked in.

Often times when Alivia was alone and had no one to console her, she would watch the sand dance wherever it pleased to calm herself. And without a blink of an eye, light appeared amongst the dark abyss. Looking over she smiled, because, there was Peter bringing strings of light out and into the world.

"Thank you," he said looking over at her too. Giving a questioning gaze, he opened his mouth to add on. "For being here-" he let his voice trail "-for being you." "And thank you for you being you." She said smiling softly.

"If you weren't you I couldn't be me." She pointed out. And that had nothing to do with their romantic relationship, but more so to the fact that his personality made her feel as if she didn't always have to be on guard.

"You are a pretty cool person." He muttered. At that point Peter was looking up at the dark nothing. Shifting, she curled herself towards him so that she was barley touching him, so that way he could still move if he wanted to.

"You're pretty cool too," she whispered closing her eyes. "And Peter?" She questioned waiting for a response. "Yes darling?" She heard him respond. Smiling she brought the covers more over her face, "If anything ever bothers you please tell me."

Feeling warmth come over, she felt herself sink lower into the bed in relaxation. "I promise. And can you promise one thing for me?" "And that is?" "No matter how rough things get, you promise never to leave Neverland?" "I promise." She breathed out.

Her mind not fully processing all of that could mean for her.

Well it's been a hot second since I've updated. Like 4 or 5 months??? Jesus guys I'm extremely sorry but things have came and gone in my life so I should be vvvv free now!!!!

So saying that, let's get this story rolling ;)

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