Chapter 21: Threat

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|| A L I V I A ||

Alivia could still feel the buzz from where Peter's lips had softly touched her forearm. During the small time frame where she could have responded, she didn't, since she was too busy trying to hide the small blush that was creeping up and onto her cheeks.

Now, as she walked alongside the three other boys, she realized she could have at least said a small thanks. "Do you even know where you are going?" Zander asked Nixon whom had been leading the group for the past hour.

So far, from what Alivia could tell, was that they were reaching outside of a city. "Of course," he said, hurt filling into the expression of sarcasm. Letting out a huff Blake shifted the backpack that was slung over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" Nixon asked innocently. "What are you twelve?" Blake asked his eyes forming into a small glare. "Yeah, on a scale of one to ten." Nixon retorted as he looked up in triumph, proud that he could have retorted something so snarky. "Grow up." Blake said rolling his eyes.

"Blake told me to grow up once. I was speechless. It's hard to respond when you have forty-five gummy bears stuffed in your mouth." Zander said off from the side. Alivia's eyes widened at the comment. Imagining the boy with forty-five gummy bears stuffed tightly in his face made her wonder how mad he was.

Realizing that the three was looking at him in awe, he cleared his throat awkwardly looking off to the surrounding nature. Sharing concerned looks with each other for a split second they looked away and continued forth on their adventure.

"Let's do that hypothetical stuff again." Zander said after a long period of the four walking in complete silence. What the actual- "Okay I will start." Nixon said winking at the three.

"Okay so me and Blake are married-" "We are not married." Blake said firmly. "Relax, it's just pretend." "I don't want to pretend." "Scared you'll like it?" "Okay, If we are married, I want to get a divorce." Blake finished the thought with a small growl.

"Are those two always like this, or?" "Yes." Zander said scrunching his nose. "Beyond annoying am I right?" Nodding in agreement Alivia smiled at the boy. Sharing a bleak moment of enthusiasm. "Finally," Blake huffed under his breathe. Glancing up she saw that they had finally made it.
The city was buzzing with life. Walking down the dirt roads of where people continued forth on their daily lives.

Alivia watched with a curious gaze as children ran past her, paying no mind that they have never seen her before. Walking past a shop Alivia saw as a girl with silver hair walk out of a shop, along with three other girls.

"Last night the sun didn't set it fell."  A girl with medium length blonde hair and stormy gray eyes said. "Please, you are being dramatic." The girl with silver hair said in reply. "No Rose you don't understand, one moment I had my eyes opened, closed them, and then boom there was no more sun." "That's because you fell asleep." "Wha~Oh, that makes sense." Just seeing the exasperated look that the clear leader had made Alivia chuckle.

Grabbing the attention of the girl, who she assumed to be Rose, Alivia saw a girl that had been tormented more years than Alvia could count on her fingers. Shuddering, Alivia couldn't help as her eyebrows furrowed in sympathy.

Turning her head quickly so that she wouldn't come off as a creep she followed the three boys ahead of her. "So what exactly is the mission?" Alivia asked. "We are looking for someone." "What? Peter said that we were finding lost boys- Oh." She muttered.

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