Chapter 6: Blonde to Brown

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|| A L I V I A ||

Alivia knew she should've been listening attentively and taking notes, but the young girl couldn't seem to keep the mind from wondering off to the most magnificent things any human could lay their eyes on.

The exotic plants were what caught her attention the most. Flowers that seemed to radiate power and others gleamed a mint color in the sheet of darkness that was placing itself over the realm.

But by the time she actually decided to pay attention, Pan was leading the way back to camp away from the skull shaped cave. Away from the beauty of Neverland that made the land truly wonderful in her opinion.

The walk back was silent, the same silence that had the effect on causing your ears to ring from pure boredom. The rather small girl would sneak a couple glances over at Peter, who seemed to be in deep thought every time her eyes grazed across him.

"What are you thinking of?" She asked quietly, nervous that he might yell and say that she had no god given right to know. "You never told me your name, did you?" He answered with a question.

"Uh, yeah," she murmured slightly panicked on how to respond. If the girl told him the real name that claimed her, he'd slowly put the obvious pieces together and most likely tell the lost girl to leave.

"It's Alivia," she answered looking over at the dark headed boy with a soft smile. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you Alivia," he spoke returning the smile. "As to you," she replied a small twinkle in the vibrant blue eyes.

A smile turned into a smirk that usually always found its place on his lips. "Your eyes," he said raising a brow. It took a minuet before there was even a reply. "Pardon?" She questioned. "Your eyes they use to be gray, now they're blue," Pan pointed out looking at Alivia for a split second before turning his attention back to the path ahead of them.

A small sigh escaped her now healthier lips. "Well," she began slightly stalling before she told the story. "Ever since anyone could remember my eyes were brown, just plain brown. But after an incident my eye colors started to change to the color of my emotions, though I still don't know the reason why they change with emotions. The little little rings around my pupils turn blue, red, pink, the list goes on actually. When I saw how dangerous it was to so bluntly use my magic I taught myself to hide the free range of emotions." She explained.

"I have two questions. One why do you want the emotions you feel in your eyes not to appear?" He questioned. "Why would you? It's a horrible thing when someone knows your feelings," she answered eyes locking to the ground.

Peter nodded in agreement before asking another question. "And secondly why are they showing different colors now?" He asked not glancing at her again. She shrugged "I don't really know," she said

"I could bet good money on it, that I could figure it out," Peter teased easing the tension in the air away. Alivia smiled slightly "My father use to say I had the eyes to save a world," she said looking at Pan.

"I can see where he's coming from," Pan said approaching the camp. "Fun fact my hair use to be blonde," she said looking towards the camp. "Is that so? Than why is it brown?" He questioned.

"Magic," was her only reply smirking at the boy. Peter opened his mouth to respond but a little boy came running up. "Peter! Peter!" He called placing himself firmly in front of them both. "What is it?" Peter asked smiling down at the five year old.

"Are we'd playing it tonight?" The boy bounced with excitement his curly blonde hair going along with the movement. "I believe that's a yes Chase," Peter answered as the boy pumped his fists in the air. "Fellas we'd playin' it tonight," he hollered as he ran towards the camp.

Alivia laughed as the hyper boy disappeared. "What are we playing tonight," she asked looking at Peter with a raised brow. The boy looked back at her smirking, humor glinting in his eyes. "Just a good ole' game of who can get dinner first," he answered.

Should I discontinue ?

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