Birthday craziness

Start from the beginning

Jordan and Elijah looked at each other, then at Josh, as his eyes popped open. Josh looked at Jordan dead in the eyes and said, "Jordan?"

A smile formed upon Jordan's lips as he said, "Hey, Josh."

He looked around to find himself in the hospital room and gown, "What's happening? Where am I?"

"You're in a hospital, Josh," Jordan told his brother.

"Why?" Josh questioned.

"Because you're sick and need help," Jordan said in a soothing tone. "What's the last thing you remember?"

Josh thought for a minute, "I was in my dorm room, then it all becomes hazy."

"What do you mean?" Jordan questioned.

"I was studying; then someone knocked at my door. After that, nothing. The next thing I know is you're here with Elijah. What happened, Jordan?" Josh asked, becoming agitated.

"Josh, remember when mom left and then came back?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, why?" Josh questioned.

"A doctor treated her for schizophrenia, and we found out you have the same thing," Jordan explained.

It shocked Josh.

"Josh, we think whoever showed up at your dorm that day triggered it, but we didn't know about it starting that early. When we found you, it was already full-blown, and we checked you into a hospital for treatment. Then you developed a psychotic break because someone paid you a visit to the hospital," Jordan said calmly to him. Josh looked at Jordan, confused as Jordan said, "Josh, you killed someone during it."

Tears streamed down Josh's cheeks, "Jordan! I would never hurt someone! You've got to believe me!" Josh stood to his feet quickly as Jordan got to his.

Elijah backed away as Jordan put his hands on Josh's arms, soothing him, "I know, baby brother, but it happened."

"Jordan! I'm not a killer!" Josh yelled.

"I know Josh," Jordan reassured his brother.

"Why? Why would they do this to me?" Josh screamed.

"Because they are bad people," Jordan said as Josh sobbed. Jordan wrapped his arms around him, letting him cry. Elijah stood there and watched them, gaining a new respect for his father.

Once Jordan calmed Josh down, they left and headed out. Dad, Frazier, Junior, and I greeted them.

"What are you doing here?" Jordan asked.

"We thought you could use some support from family," Dad said to him.

"You didn't have to come, Matt. It is your birthday for crying out loud," Elijah said to me.

"Yeah, but sometimes family comes first," I said to him.

He pulled me into a hug, "Thank you."

"What are families for?" I asked, hugging Elijah back.

"So, how is he?" Frazier asked.

"The minute Josh saw the both of us, he snapped back to reality," Jordan said.

"What did he say?" Dad asked.

"Remember when Josh disappeared from his dorm room, then Mom called me and we found him. He was deep in with his illness," Jordan mentioned.

"Yeah, that was a scary day. I've never seen someone act like that before," Dad said.

"Someone showed up at his dorm and started it. They triggered the schizophrenia, but I didn't know much about it. I knew he was doing the same thing my mom did," Jordan said.

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