Chapter 38

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Viola was killed years later. A superhero like-figure flew down from above, wearing a green cape with a hood covering their idenity, stabbed a stake through her heart. Obviously, she hadn't excepted. She was simply walking home after a long hard day at work; work that consisted of keeping vampires in line. When Lauren had heard of this news, from Lucy who sat in her kitchen, she had nearly fainted and wanted to cry from pure happiness. She wanted to greet this superhero. She would shake their hand and bow to them. It was impossible to say who could be suspects of Viola's death because she had to many enemines to count so the list would endless. Also, she wasn't valued in the vampire council committee, not as much as Alfredo since they went on a wild goose chase to catch his killer. Viola was a loose cannon and highly oxbinious so they brushed off Viola's death as morbid as it sounded. Lucy wanted for a response from Lauren as she gazed into the distance, her thoughts taking control of her body.

"What's on your mind?" Lucy asked with a soft tone.

"I miss her." Lauren sighed.

"Staying here isn't a good option." Lucy said which she had told Lauren many times. "Me and Taylor like it here, but it's just a constant reminder of her for you."

"I like that constant reminder, without that she would be permantly gone as if she never existed." Lauren mumbled, standing up from her stool and climbing up the grande staircase of her house.

She entered Camila's old room. No dust had collected because everyday Lauren would come in here and admire with Camila's items from when she first moved in here. The typewriter still had a sheet of paper stuck in it that Lauren refuse to move or read because it would hurt her heart too much. Today she felt different. She sat in front of the typewriter and read over the writing Camila had wrote many, many years ago.

Poem #12- I'm in love with a monster

Her skin as pale as pure snowflakes
Her eyes as green as new leaves
Her lips as red as fresh blood
Her hair as dark as the night
She is a mystery I want to know
But is the posion that'll kill me
Danger is her middle name
And I want her last
She is the monster that I love
Yet am I the human that she'll have?

Lauren was full of shock. She wish she had read this earlier. She had no idea Camila wrote this nor did she know she wrote poems. Lauren tore away the paper from the typewriter and kept this in her pocket. How she loved Camila's writing; she was amazing at it. Life had never became the same without her. Lauren rarely went out. Probably once a month to eat. She wandered around her house most days and held anything that belonged to Camila. These mementos were everything to her; it was how Camila stayed alive. The only thing different in her life was Lucy and Taylor were living with her now and were finally together. Lauren had told them countless of times that life is too short to not tell each other how they felt and how everything unfolded with Camila and Lauren, the couple were more encourage to spill their emotions. For a year, Lauren had dedicated her life to hunting down Viola and to kill her but Viola found out about this plan. So, she fled and Lauren lost complete track off her. Clearly, she had more enemies who were concerned in murdering her and Lauren was only annoyed because she didn't have the pleasure of doing itself, making sure she suffered until her final breathe.

Disturbing everyone, the doorbell rang through the house as Lauren dashed to the door, then stared at it perplexingly. Lucy and Taylor stood behind with curiousity. As Lauren opened the door, she was greeted with someone with a green cape that attached a hoodie to cover their face. Slowly, the person releaved their face and there stood Camila. Lauren's face froze. She glared at the girl with utter confusion, not believing that it was really her. That the brunette wasn't actually there right now wearing an adorable smile.

"Do I not get a hug from my girlfriend?" Camila asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Lauren replied with an angered tone. "How are you even alive?"

"Don't you remember?" Camila questioned, walking into the house, removing her cape and hanging it on the end of the staircase post before turning back to Lauren who still wore the same shocked expression. "I jumped off the cliff and swam away."

"Just that fucking easily?" Lauren yelled, tears brimming up in her eyes. "If you got away, where have you been for the past three years?"

"I had to hide,  she was trying to find me for ages." Camila responded. "I was tracking Viola after you made such a terrible job of it."

"I've missed you so fucking much." Lauren sobbed, pulling the brunette into a massive hug, crying so harshly into her shoulder.

"I've missed you too, baby." Camila smiled sadly, rubbing Lauren's back soothingly as she kissed the side of her head.

Suddenly, Lauren smashed her lips against Camila's and not waiting for a moment to deep the kiss. The emerlad eyed girl cupped Camila's cheeks, rubbing her thumb back and forth over her skin as she Camila kept her arms around Lauren's waist firmly. Once they departed, Lucy and Taylor engulfed her into a hug and Lauren watched with tears of happiness pouring from her eyes.

"You'll never guess what, Camz." Lauren said, sniffling slightly as Camila looked back at Lauren with a questiong expression. "Lucy and Taylor are finally together."

"I told they would!" Camila cheered, returning back to Lauren, clamping their hands together as the pair began to blush awkwardly.

"We're glad your home, dork." Lucy laughed, rolling her eyes jokingly.

"Lauren." Camila spoke, turning toward the girl. "I love you."

"I love you too, Camila." Lauren grinned cheesily as the pair shared another long lasting kiss.

So, this was how a human fell in love with a monster and how a monster fell in love with a human. Even though, Camila had allowed herself to change significantly from human to monster for Lauren, she didn't care because she wanted to be with Lauren forever. They weren't perfect and every thing was a mess for them, but they powered through all of that for now. For today. For this moment where Camila could bore into Lauren's green eyes and Lauren could bore into Camila's brown eyes.

The End

Author's note
THIS IS THE END. I tried to make it a sad ending and as I writing it I thought of the this ending which I was thinking of writing but didn't. Thank you all for sticking to this story and I hope you all enjoyed it!

Anyway, tell me if y'all would be interesting in reading more stories of camren. please follow me @artwxrks because I'll be shortly releasing a new camren story about... if camren had a baby :))) (there will also be others)

Thank you all again!!

I'm in love with a monster (Camren)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora