Chapter 37

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"Stop teasing." Camila giggled seductively, her back pressed against the mattress whilst Lauren kissed down her exposed stomach.

The black haired girl smirked evilly before crawling back to the brunette's body and attached their lips passionately. As they pulled away, Lauren collapsed on the bed next Camila and teasingly said, "I'm not really in the mood."

"What?" Camila asked in shock as she panted heavily.

"Yeah, not really feeling it." Grinned Lauren, shrugging her shoulders carelessly.

"Lauren." Camila spoke frustratedly. "I am so horny right now so you better use those goddam fingers and tongue before I go crazy."

The green eyed girl straddled Camila, shared a deepened kiss and started to kiss down her neck, before whispering into her ear, "you're so hot when you're angry; I should make you mad more often."

Shivers scattered over Camila's skin and she yanked her pants down, pushing Lauren downwards then panting out, "hurry up now."

Lauren loved it when Camila was angry and ordered her to do things. She felt in control. Her lips re-travelled down the brunette's torso and got to her waist line. Lauren slid her tongue across her lower stomach causing Camila to jerk her hips slightly after she let out low moans. Manoeuvring her lips, Lauren pecked and nibbled across Camila's inner thighs, causing the brunette to let out pleasuring whimpers. Suddenly, the door busted open and the two girls parted as Camila fell off the bed, trying to shield her half naked body.

"Oh shit, sorry, we're you guys getting it on?" Lucy voiced guiltily as Camila tugged up her pants and stood up with an annoyed expression.

"Yea-" Camila began.

"No!" Lauren interrupted with a face full of concern towards Lucy. "What's up?"

"Can I crash here tonight?" Lucy asked politely. "It's awkward between me and Taylor."

"No-" the brunette was about to answer.

"Of course!" Lauren spoke loudly to override Camila's rude response as she glared intensely at the smaller girl.

"Thank you so much, let me go grab a pillow and blanket." Lucy smoked happily, before exiting the room.

"Lauren! Why on earth did you do that?" Camila groaned, releasing a dramatic huff and throwing her arms in the air.

"Because you're hot when you're angry."


Days flew by and Taylor and Lucy were still having this awkward tension between them. They had been avoiding each other like the plague. Every time Taylor left their bedroom, Lucy would grab a few belongings she needed and at night she would sleep in Lauren and Camila's room whilst trying to block out the sounds of intense make outs. As Lucy tiptoed into her ex-bedroom, she searched through draws for her book she was in the mids of reading; reading was a good way of passing the time of immortality. Dipping her nose deep into the draw, she heard the door close behind and perked up straight, turning around.

"Hey." Taylor spoke, closing the door whilst Lucy flashed a polite smile back. "You've been avoiding me lately."

"What? No, no I haven't... I've just been busy." Lucy defended, rubbing the back of neck which was a sign of nervous for the brunette.

"Lauren told me you have been staying in their bedroom because of me." The light haired girl replied as she rose her eyebrow questioningly. "Lucy, you don't need to avoid me, whatever happened between us... let's just forget it, yeah?"

I'm in love with a monster (Camren)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ