Chapter 27

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The next day Camila and Lauren spent the majority of their morning and afternoon just cuddling each other. It felt like a century since the two girls had done something as innocent and relaxing as this. Just being with each other and lying with one another, talking about everything and nothing all at once. Lauren caressed her hand up the side of Camila's stomach as Camila stroked the side of Lauren's cheek with her thumb. Their legs tangled together and their eyes locked on each other. Now and then they'd steal small kisses from one another or they'd shower each other in tiny pecks. Lauren glanced over at the clock and noticed the hour hand switching to six, she had lost track of the hours they had spent lounging around. Lauren was the first one to break their embrace and Camila fluttered her eyes open immediately, before Lauren got up from the bed. She stretched her arms up above her head as Camila scrambled to her feet and tilting her head to the left in slight confusion.

"Come on, I need to use one of those computer things." Lauren stated, locking hands with Camila as the two girls set off to the lobby of the hotel.

They trekked down halls and staircases when they finally reached the entertainment part of the building, which were for the guests. Lauren noticed a bunch of computers all lined up besides and opposite each other as she dashed over to them. Lauren took a seat in front of the bulky device and told Camila to wait over by the sofas. Camila was hesitant at first, but once Lauren explained that she'd be no more than a few metres away and that Lauren could still see her from her position, Camila was reassured and sat by herself. Camila watched Lauren furiously type at the keyboard as she tapped her fingertips on top of her leg in a coping mechanism. She glanced around the room like some paranoid crazed person as she squeezed her kneecap when she inhaled the scent of the near by humans that were all scattered around the entertainment room.

Meanwhile, Lauren squinted at the bright screen as she wiggled the mouse around, gripping it sternly. She let out a frustrated sigh every time she'd accidentally click on a pop-up ad or close the tab she needed. Eventually, she got onto the site she needed and glanced up at Camila, who was taking deep breaths in and out to calm her down. Lauren would be finished up soon and she'd be able to take Camila back to their room.

Suddenly, Lauren felt a tap on the back of shoulder, so she turned around to see an familiar face.

"Lucy?" Lauren questioned as she jumped to her feet and tackled the brown haired girl into a bear hug. "It's been ages since I've seen you."

"Indeed it has, what on earth are you doing here?" Lucy asked with her eyebrow quirked up slightly. "Looking for something to eat?" The girl grinned, flashing her fangs quickly.

"It's a long, long story." Lauren huffed stressfully as she glanced over in Camila's direction for only a split second.

"Hey, I'm here if you need to talk." Lucy reassured, rubbing the side of Lauren's arm comfortingly as Camila glared evilly at the two dark haired girls, before taking to her heels and pacing over to both of them.

Camila tugged the side of Lauren's arm as the taller girl smiled once she saw the younger brunette clinging to her arm shyly.

"Oh, Camila this is Lucy, my friend, and Lucy this is Camila, my..." Lauren paused for a few moments, what was Camila to her? She wasn't a friend, nor was she her girlfriend. They hadn't really put a label on their relationship, but now she was stuck, what does she say? "My friend."

Camila just gave Lucy a death glare, before nuzzling herself into Lauren a little bit more and Lauren couldn't resist smiling at how adorable and shy Camila for when she was around new people.

"Anyway, we should catch up, when are you checking out?" Lucy glanced between Camila and Lauren as the younger brunette gazed at her feet like a shy child.

"Tomorrow afternoon." Lauren replied as Camila looked up at Lauren confusingly and furrowed her brows together.

"Oh, well you doing anything now?" Lucy proposed, cupping the nape of her neck anxiously and diverting her brown eyes to the ground.

"No, I've just finished on this thing." Lauren said and pointed to the computer as she quickly shut the device off. "Camila, could you give us a moment?"

The smaller brunette pouted as she marched over to the leather sofas with a grumpy frown. Lucy and Lauren strolled over to the other side of the room, so Lauren could keep an eye on Camila from afar. The two of them sat down at two seater table as Lucy grabbed Lauren's hand across the tiny table.

"You know you can tell me anything." Lucy reassured, caressing her thumb over the back of Lauren's hand as Lauren nodded nervously.

"We've known each other well before we got turned into monsters, so I'm asking you, Lucy, I can trust you, right?" Lauren asked with a worried expression clouding over her face as Lucy nodded vigorously and gripped her hand more securely.

"Well, it all started when I met Camila..."

At the end of the conversation, Lucy was left speechless. Her mouth gaped open from utter shock and her eyes bulging out from her scalp from the unbelievable story.

"So, now I'm running away from the vampire council."

"Do you really think that's going to work?" Lucy questioned in disbelief as Lauren thought for a few seconds to see if there was a fault in her plan.

"Yes, because I'm going somewhere which no vampire would ever go." Lauren bit her lower lip anxiously and glanced over at Camila to find she wasn't there. Lauren jumped up from her seat and searched around the room with her eyes.

Meanwhile, Camila was strolling down the narrow corridors, trying to find an exit to the garden; she really needed some fresh air. Also, seeing Lucy all over Lauren made her completely angry and so jealous she was feeling sick. She watched a human boy stagger down the corridor in the same direction of Camila and the brunette froze as the human winked at her flirtatiously. The black haired boy was clearly intoxicated with too much alcohol by the way he was walking down the hall. Camila took a deep breath in as she turned around and was about to walk away, until she heard him talk.

"Oi! Yo, sexy! Where you going?sweetheart?" The guy shouted, rushing over to Camila in his drunken state as Camila gulped heavily when she felt the boy grab her arm and spun her around to face him. "What you doing tonight?"

"If you take me to your room, I'll show you what I'm doing tonight." Camila spoke seductively as her eyes turned to the jet black colour, but the boy was too drunk to even notice.

"It's right here." The taller boy grinned, unlocking the door diagonal to them as he placed his hand on Camila's hip and guided her into the messy room.

Lauren turned down corridor and caught a glimpse of Camila entering the room with a boy. He locked the door behind them and Camila pushed the muscular guy onto the bed as she pounced on top of his lap eagerly. Lauren and Lucy ran towards the door and banged on the door repeatedly, only to receive no reply. Camila smirked evilly, ripping the man's shirt off and planting kisses on top of his chest as he groaned with pleasure. Lauren and Lucy pounded against the door as Camila's teeth grazed the side of his neck, sensing the increasing heart rate.

Just as Camila was about to bite, Lucy and Lauren knocked down the door. Camila hissed aggressively at the two dark haired girls as they both raced over to Camila and pulled her off of the human. The man being to drunk to make out what all the different shapes were. Lauren slapped Camila's cheek and the brunette's black eyes turned back to their original brown beautiful orbs. She panted heavily as Lucy had hold of her arms from behind and Lauren was holding onto her face.

What had she almost done?

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