Chapter 25

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It had been the 54th time Camila had scanned the room for an object that would help her escaped, but this room was plain. Nothing sharp enough to cut through thick ropes like this. Camila thought if she built her energy up, she could break through the ropes, but it wasn't as easy as that. Her mind raced with thoughts and her eyes frantically analysing the room for a ray of hope. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. Her fangs. She thought for a brief moment, but then flashed her fangs out.

She leaned over, placing her teeth on the rope and began digging through it. She spat out pieces of the rope, but soon carried on tearing away at the restraints. After a solid 30 minutes, the rope around Camila's right wrist fell to the ground. She untied the left restraint then the two around her ankles and stood up hesitantly. She stretched her body and clicked fingers, it felt like centuries since she stood up. Why the hell didn't she think of this months ago?

Before she could exit the bedroom, Alfredo waltzed in with jugs of animal blood. He soon dropped the containers from the shock of seeing Camila free. There was a pause, before Alfredo dived towards Camila and the brunette quickly jumped out of the way, causing Alfredo to stumble onto the floor. Camila climbed on top of him as she threw punches to his face, but he soon retaliated by pinning the smaller brunette down and trying to tie her hands back together. Camila kicked him off her as she jumped to her feet and snapped the wooden chair leg in half, creating a wooden stake weapon for herself.

Alfredo used to his super speed to attack Camila for behind and tripped her over, but whilst falling over, Camila brought the older man down too. Alfredo scrambled on top of her as Camila held the sharp stake up to his throat threateningly. Alfredo grabbed her wrist and forcefully pulled it away, but Camila made the quick, fatal move and pierce the wooden stake through Alfredo's chest, perfectly aimed through his heart.

Alfredo held the wooden stake piercing his vital organ in shock as he stared down at Camila, then she pinned him to the floor. Alfredo couldn't fight back, as Camila had killed him. His lifeless body laid under Camila as she stood up and gazed at Alfredo's corpse on the floor. What had she done? Everything had not gone to plan, but she was desperate not to go back in that chair.

The brunette shot her head up when she heard the bedroom door creak open slightly and there stood Lauren with a shocking expression over her face. Lauren had gone out to restock on Camila's food and when she came back she heard rumbling upstairs, then next thing she knew, Camila had murdered Alfredo.

"What have you done?" Lauren spoke slowly with her eyes bulging out of her scalp as she staggered towards Alfredo's body.

Camila had killed Alfredo the proper vampire way. A stake through the heart.

"I didn't mean to, I just-- I don't know-- I just panicked!" Camila tried to defend her innocence, but it was too late for that. "I didn't want to be trapped in that chair any longer." She admitted.

"Grab your stuff, we're leaving." Lauren ordered with a cold tone as she darted to her bedroom and began packing all of her stuff.

Camila had some many questions, but no time to ask them. She grabbed a suitcase and chucked all her clothes and personal belongings into them. A few minutes later, Lauren returned to Camila's room with her own suitcase as she grabbed Camila's hand pulled her down the long staircase.

She ordered Camila to wait at the front door and then Lauren raced back to the crime scene, dragging Alfredo's body to the back garden. Seeing Alfredo's pale face made Lauren emotional, she couldn't believe the man who saved her life years ago, was now the man she had to bury. She pulled the corpse to the back garden and collected a rusty shovel from the shed, then began digging a body-sized hole. Lauren dumped Alfredo's lifeless body into the deep hole and buried him in the soil. She patted the top of the spot and returned the shovel to its rightful place. Lauren raced back into the living room after burying one of her long time friends and grabbed her bags that were next to Camila.

"Where are we going?" Camila asked hesitantly, noticing Lauren's emotions were all over the place.


Lauren was so angry with Camila and slightly shocked at what has happened. Yeah, Camila had killed people in the past, but that was for food and it was more of an addiction for the taste of blood. But this one was different. She deliberately killed Alfredo. Camila had got a weapon and stabbed him right in the chest. Maybe it was in the heat of moment and was an act of desperation because she didn't want to go back in the chair, but that didn't justify her actions. What made it worse, is that Camila seemed totally unfazed by it. Like she was use to it. Times like this made Lauren think about what human Camila was like. How innocent and pure she was. The girl who was upset over her dog dying, but was now completely unbothered by killing a man. A man who tried to help her. She missed that Camila.


The house telephone echoed throughout hollow halls as Lauren sighed out heavily, she knew who was going to be on the other end of the phone. She strolled towards the device and held it to her ear.


"Ah Lauren, how are you?" A recognisable female voice, with a mocking tone replied to Lauren.

"What do you want?" Lauren asked bitterly and glanced over at Camila who was sitting on top of her massive suitcase, that was placed near the front door.

"I want to speak to Alfredo so, I can hear the updates of Ms. Cabello." The feminine demanded as Lauren toyed with her lower lip worryingly.

"Who is it?" Lauren asked, stalling time and scattered her brain for a legit answer for who Alfredo couldn't answer the phone.

"Oh Lauren, don't you remember me? Surely you can't forget my talented tongue, right?" The lady chuckled down the phone and Lauren's mouth dropped open, thinking about who this mysterious could be.

"Wait... Viola?" Lauren gasped and smirked slightly as Camila raised her brows at the older girl.

"Correct! It's been a while since I've seen you, I remember when you were a newborn vampire." Viola spoke innocently, but each word fell of her lips in such of seductive tone. "Anyway, I think I might pay a visit and see how Alfredo is doing."

"No! It's fine, he doesn't need any help... urm... he said it'll disrupt the treatment." Lauren panicked as Camila strolled over to the taller girl and stared at her confusingly, she wanted to know what was going on.

"Hmm, fine, tell Alfredo to ring me back later." Viola finally gave up with Lauren's suspiciousness as they both hung up the telephones.

"We're leaving." Lauren demanded, slamming the phone down and grabbing Camila's hand. "Now!"

Lauren dragged Camila to the front door as they both grabbed their suitcases and Lauren continued yanking Camila out of the doorway. Camila could see the anger/fear in Lauren's face and decided to just keep her questions quiet for the time being.

Author's note

I'm in love with a monster (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now