Chapter 13

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Mouth watering smells awoke Camila from her slumber as she climbed out of bed. She rubbed her eyes taking a lazy glance at herself in the mirror and shuffled down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Happy birthday!" Lauren cheered as Camila entered the kitchen and looked around at the birthday banners and balloons, that was scattered around the room. "I learnt how to make pancakes." Lauren smiled placing a stack of pancakes on a plate and putting it on the island as Camila sat in front of them.

"Thank you so much." Camila smiled at the genuine gestures that Lauren had done as she drowned her meal in thick syrup.

Camila was slightly surprised that Lauren had done something for her birthday, considering Lauren had scurried upstairs randomly, the other day, without an explanation for the confused human. She didn't want to question the monster in fear of scaring away, but she was acting like nothing had happened the other day. Camila dug her fork into the pancake and smeared it in syrup. A quiet moan left Camila's mouth as she digested the delicious food, earning a proud grin from Lauren. Once Camila finished her food she put her plate in the sink about to clean it, but Lauren stopped her.

"I'll do the dishes today." Lauren smiled sweetly and she took over the cleaning as Camila backed away from the sink.

"You're being too nice." Camila giggled as she pinched Lauren's cheek making her crinkle up her nose.

Suddenly, the bell chimed through the large house as Camila furrowed her eyebrows confusing, glaring at Lauren to disappear. Lauren dried her hands sneaking off upstairs, but staying on the balcony to watch who was at the door. Camila raced to the door as she swung it open, seeing Kenzie standing outside her door.

"Happy birthday." Kenzie smiled and she pulled Camila into a tight hug as Camila offered her to come in.

"Thank you... how did you know it was my birthday?" Camila asked, raising her eyebrow at Kenzie confusingly as she shut the front door after she entered the mansion.

"You told me when we had lunch a few days back." Kenzie chuckled slightly as she held up a pink sparkly gift bag, handing it to Camila.

"Thanks, but you shouldn't have got me anything." Camila blushed taking the bag from Kenzie hesitantly and peeked in the top of the bag, but it was covered with light pink, scrunched up tissue.

"I wanted to." Kenzie bit her lip nervously becoming anxious, incase Camila wouldn't like her gift, but regained her confidence by shooting the brown haired girl a wink.

Lauren glared down at the girl called Kenzie. Who even was she? Why the hell was she winking at Camila? She had been stood on the balcony at the top of the staircase, next to the wall as she gripped the handrail. She knew the girl wouldn't spot her, since she was too fast to be seen.

"I was wonderin-- if you want to-- maybe we can go for dinner tonight, in celebration for your birthday?" Kenzie stuttered embarrassingly as she had been trying to pluck up the courage to ask Camila out again.

"I would love that." Camila smiled and awed mentally at Kenzie's light blush on her cheeks.

BANG! CRASH! The two noises screeched from upstairs, making the two girls jump as Camila's eyes widened, opening the front door for Kenzie.

"What was th--?" Kenzie was about to ask before Camila cut her off.

"I'll see you tonight, yeah?" Camila started to shut the door in Kenzie's face nervously.

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