Chapter 18

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Lauren dropped the third corpse she had drained off its blood as she gazed over the three bodies she had killed. Two guys and one girl. Unfortunately, one of the guys had put up a fight and had punched Lauren in her right eye. She turned around, wiping her blood-covered mouth with her sleeve as she saw a small figure at the end of the alley. The boy took to his heels and legged it down the street as Lauren chased after him, but was unable to find him when she got to the end of the alleyway. She sighed as she darted back to the household and continued to wonder about the person, who was following her. That was the second time the boy had appeared and ran off, but Lauren couldn't understand why how the boy managed to escape so quickly.

Lauren inhaled deeply as she stepped into the large household and the first scent that hit her was blood. She reckoned it would be her clothes and body that smelt of blood, so she dashed upstairs to one of the bathrooms. She scrubbed her hands, mouth and neck clean from dry blood as she changed into something comfortable, putting the clothes in the wash.

Sniffing the air, Lauren realised that the scent of blood was still in the house and it was stronger than before. Lauren tip toed around the house, sniffing like a dog and located the source of the stench. She knocked on one of the other bathroom doors as she slowly opened it and her face dropped.

Trigger warning
Camila was sat in the bath tub with her left sleeve rolled up and a long, deep, vertical cut along her forearm as she dropped the razor blade from her right hand. Lauren's eyes instantly turned to black, summoning the darker side, but she shook her vigorously and fought off the urge for now. Lauren panicked, she had no idea what to do. Camila had already lost so much that she was practically sitting in a pool of her own blood. Her face turning as pale as Lauren and her eyes fluttering shut, this was the process of her dying.

Lauren scooped Camila up and used her super speed to dart to the kitchen as she laid down Camila on the island counter. She grabbed the first aid kit and wiped away the blood from narrow cut as grabbed a needle and thread. Before Lauren was about to operate, Lauren placed her index and middle finger on the side of Camila's neck and tried to find a pulse, but was unable to.

"Camila, stay with me!" Lauren yelled, shaking her body as tears streamed down her red cheeks. "I'm sorry, I can't live without you."

Lauren pierced her deadly fangs into Camila's wrist as she sucked the blood from Camila's body, Lauren groaned lowly from the delicious taste of Camila. She gripped tightly of Camila's forearm as her tightened around the limb and continued draining Camila off the precious liquid. Within minutes, Lauren peeled her mouth away from Camila's wrist when she had completely drained the lifeless human off the red fluid.

A few moments of silence went by, then Camila sat up and let out a breathless gasp as Lauren widened her eyes, scurrying over to Camila. Camila blinked a couple of times to make sure she wasn't dreaming and she gazed down at her body confusingly. The cut on her arm had healed to a scar incredibly quickly, her skin was weirdly pale, she was unusually cold and she has a craving for blood.

"Am I a vampire?" Camila asked as she wiggled her fingers and looked up at Lauren with scared eyes.

"I didn't want to change you, but you were dying, Camila." Lauren defended herself and sat on the island with Camila as the brunette nodded her head slowly. "Why did you try to kill yourself?"

"So you would change me." Camila answered honestly as Lauren knitted her brows together confusingly and squinted her eyes, not understand what Camila meant, but then it hit her.

"Are you crazy? What if... I didn't get home in time and you died, ay?" Lauren pestered as Camila just shrugged carelessly and flashed one of her cute smiles to distract Lauren.

"You can't deny that things will be easier when I'm like this." Camila smirked and Lauren just rolled her eyes as she folded her arms over, shaking her head in disappointment. "You have me forever."

"Unfortunately." Lauren joked as she leaned in towards Camila and pecked her lips lightly, placing her hand on Camila's cheek. "Ow! You just bit my lip!"

"Sorry, I'm not use to the fangs." Camila smiled adorably, showing her sharp teeth as she poked at them like a curious child and looked up at Lauren with confusion. "How do I put them back?"

"You just need to learn how to control it, for a newborn it'll take a while." Lauren explained calmly as she brushed back a few strands of hair from Camila's face and flashed a small smile.

"Lauren, I'm hungry." Camila swallowed hard as she felt the blood craving urge start to become more uncontrollable. "I don't want to drink from a human, only animals."

"Camila, a newborn needs to drink human blood first or they won't be able to control themselves." Lauren announced and Camila nodded slowly as she got off the kitchen island, with Lauren following behind.


They arrived at the local pub of the village and Lauren knew Camila would need a lot of blood for her first feeding. Lauren locked all the exits of the building as she entered through the front door of the pub and everyone stared at the two blood-covered girls. Camila's eyes widened with excitement as she licked her lips greedily and everyone stood still.

"Feed, princess." Lauren whispered down the back of Camila's ear as the brunette hissed loudly, freeing her fangs and turning her eyes black.

Everyone screamed in terror as Camila pounced onto her first victim and Lauren just grinned mischievously, guarding the front door. Luckily, there was only about ten people in the room since it was sort of early to be in a pub. Lauren grabbed one of the people who were huddled in the corner and pinned them up against door, biting into their necks viciously as she drank the tasty blood from them. Lauren's eyes turned fully black as she felt herself becoming uncontrolled. Camila was already pinning down her third victim, when Lauren had finished her meal.

Two people came up to Lauren with chairs in their hand as they chucked the wooden seats at Lauren and the older girl laughed at their attempts. She strolled over to the two girls, who she had successfully cornered as the two light haired girls trembled beneath Lauren. Camila dashed over to Lauren as she gripped hold of one of the girl's hair and pulled her across the floor. Lauren chuckled at Camila's aggressive actions as she turned back to the last remaining survivor, grabbing her shirt and picking her up onto her feet.

Lauren smirked widely as she traced her finger down the blonde haired girl's neck and slowly trailing it down her chest. The teenage girl shut her eyes tightly as she let out shaky breaths, which made Lauren snigger teasingly.

"I hope you're not flirting with the food." Camila giggled as she stood behind Lauren with her black eyes and fangs still visible. "Or I'll have to kill her."

"Jealous?" Lauren joked and looked over her shoulder at Camila as she wiggled her eyebrows cheekily.

"Extremely." Camila admitted with a slight smirk across her face as Lauren bit her lower lip seductively, giving Camila a small wink. "Go on, no need to be shy."

Lauren laughed loudly as she turned her attentions back to the trembling girl and sunk her teeth into the sensitive neck, draining the blood from the weak human. Lauren dropped the body in front of her as she pulled Camila into a deep kiss; both of their tongues covered in blood. Lauren licked up the line of blood that trickled down Camila's throat and left small kisses on the side of her neck.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Lauren mumbled into Camila's ear as they intertwined their fingers together and raced out of the building, without getting seen.

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