Chapter 33

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After seeing Lauren break down like she did, Camila decided to be more distant with Taylor. It was for the best. No more cuddles or afternoon naps together. They would just simply hang out without any physical contact. Taylor picked up on this and silently agreed with it, since she had seen how jealous Lauren was and, to be honest, Lauren scared her. They had been on the road for ages now and Lauren had began recognising the area again. She directed Lucy into the depth of the forest, which made the newborn vampires quite uneasy.

"Hey babe, you're not planning on killing us, right?" Camila joked as she leaned on the back of Lauren's seat and staring out of the window.

"Maybe." Lauren smirked teasingly. "Turn right down this off-road."

Lucy obeyed as she turned the stirring wheel so the vehicle directed down the road. As the RV travelled deeper into the forest, the four girls all glanced around area in curiosity wondering where on Earth they were heading to. However, the drive was long through the woodland environment and took them adleast two hours to actually arrive at the destination. Approaching closer, the girl's could see a large wooden gate with two guard towers at the side. All around the perimeter was a point wooden fence that was twelve feet high and cut off the place to the surrounding nature. Lucy parked the vehicle over and all four girls tip toed out and cautiously edged closer to the tall gate. This gained the guard's attentions who were dressed in tight causal shirts and shorts, they had similar haircuts that was just short of shaved. Their skin was glowing and seemed to be perfectly tanned as they peered over from their tall towers.

"Vampires!" Yelled one of men as a loud chaotic panic began to happen at the guard spot.

Suddenly, a group of men approached the girls and grabbed their arms forcefully. The girls were about to fight back when Lauren told them not to and to allow the men to take them inside. As the tanned males shoved them into the barred area, the girl's mouths dropped when they saw the busy village. It was like a tribe. Their were hundreds of huts that everyone lived in but more advanced and there must have been adleast thousands of people as the girls trudged through the centre of the town. Near the end was a larger house compared to the rest of them when a tall, intimidating women stepped out of the door with blonde, thick, long hair cascading down her broad shoulders. She edged closer to the four intruders, who were now lined up next to each other with guards behind them and a crowd of villagers surrounding from a distance. Camila and Taylor looked terrified of this, whilst Lucy and Lauren just grinned knowingly.

"Lauren!" The blonde women cheered, dropping her serious expression and wrestling her into a hug.

"Dinah!" Lauren replied with the same amount of excitement as they embraced for a long time until Dinah turned to Lucy and greeted her happily too.

"Come into my house, this isn't a place to have our catch up." Dinah smiled, gesturing towards the oak wooden door.

"You know these blood suckers?" A man chirped up in a slight aggressive tone as he took a step forwards to Dinah, whilst running his hand through his short black hair.

"Joey..." Dinah warned.

"No, we can't have vampires on our turf!" He responded, the anger in his voice becoming more noticeable. "All they do is kill, they're monsters."

"How old are you, Joey?" Dinah asked rather causally.

"Twenty one."

"Now, you weren't alive to fight in the supernatural war, so what you also don't know was when I was left for dead after being abandoned by one of my own." Dinah explained, glaring at Joey but speaking loud enough for the whole crowd to hear. "I thought all vampires were monsters too, until Lauren and Lucy came along and saved me, despite being on the opposite team." Dinah revealed, raising a brow at the boy. "I wouldn't be standing here today or running this pack if it wasn't for them two, so our guests shall be treated with respect and dignity and if anyone had any problems with that, then they can take a short vacation from the pack."

After that, Dinah scanned the crowd for anyone seeming to have a problem, but every was silent and Joey stood down from his superior. Dinah smirked, strolling into her grander house and signalling for the girls to follow her. So they did. The house was designed for important individuals in the village or people with high ranks. They soon found themselves in a office, Dinah sat behind the desk and the four girl's sat before her.

"Werewolves." Dinah rolled her eyes, shaking her head lightly. "So naive and close minded to every vampire."

"Can't blame them, we were at war once." Lauren joked. "Still don't get along."

"I know, I can't stand you." Dinah laughed as she poured herself a glass of water. "So, who are these extras you've brought along?" Dinah pointed at Taylor and Camila.

"Always so polite." Lucy teased, causing Dinah to smile sarcastically.

"This is Camila and Taylor." The green eyed girl said, pointing to each girl.

"Dinah, baby! I got some new sexy lingerie that you need to see--" A female voice yelled, before she abruptly entered the office without caution. "Oh my god, I didn't know you had guests..."

Dinah blushed as the four vampires began to laugh loudly. The embarrassment Dinah felt right now was overwhelming, before she regained herself. Dinah was thankful that she didn't just come in, in her lingerie.

"Come in." Dinah said to the dark skinned women as she walked over to her. "This is my wife, Normani." Dinah introduced. "This is Lauren, Taylor, Camila and Lucy."

"You got married?!" Lauren and Lucy said in a dumbfounded tone as they stared with their jaws dropped to the floor.

"Indeed." Dinah smiled proudly, hooking her arm around Normani's waist and planting a kiss on her cheek. "Anyway, we've got stuff to discuss, I'll allow you both to talk properly later."

Normani nodded, exiting the office (still embarrassed) and leaving the girls to continue to chat. However, outside Normani could see there was a lot of tension and people bickering to one another. It was clear that no one was happy with the new arrival.

Once going over the rules with Dinah, the four girls were given their rooms in Dinah's large house, which were divided from the pack. Lauren and Camila were given a room, whilst Taylor and Lucy shared one together. The rules Dinah had was to not kill any humans, so only drink animal blood. The girls could only hope that they'd control their urges well enough. Another rule was not to kill any wolf, which was obvious but if it was broken there would be severe consequences. Lucy was slightly annoyed since she happily drank human blood and Taylor was still in her blood lust phase so she was disappointed too. Lauren and Camila were thankful. Together they'd stay off the human blood and battle the urges with one another; no matter how hard.

Why did Lauren pick this place to stay? Well, this was werewolf land and no vampire was allowed on it unless they were granted. She knew the vampires council would never set foot on the land so, for now, they were safe.

Camila and Lauren collapsed on the bed, a bed that would last, after chucking their bags to the side. Camila straddled the green eyed girl's, then planted a soft kiss on her lips innocently. Lauren sat up and wrapped her arms around Camila's back.

"Call me princess." Camila whispered down Lauren's ear, causing goosebumps to travel all over her body when she felt breath over her ear.

"Why?" Lauren grinned against Camila's lips as they bored into one another's eyes.

"You haven't called me it in ages." The brunette pouted.

"I don't normally use it, unless I turn, you know, sinister." Lauren mumbled the last part, her crimson cheeks contrasting against the ivory skin. "But your wish is my command, princess."

"You're." Camila mumbled against Lauren cheek. "So." She kissed along her jawline. "Whipped."

"I maybe whipped..." Lauren began slowly, but suddenly rolled over so she could pin Camila down against the mattress. "But I still top."

Camila smirked excitedly as the older girl slipped between her legs and attack her lips; the brunette muttered against her mouth, "Lock the door."

I'm in love with a monster (Camren)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora