Chapter 11

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Lauren shuffled around the kitchen when she heard the front door slam shut and she used her super speed to dash to the front door. She saw Camila taking off her shoes with a small smile across her face, which made Lauren smile too.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Lauren asked as she picked up Camila's shopping bags and took them into the living room.

"I made a new friend." Smiled Camila even more as she followed Lauren into the living room and then into the kitchen. "What the hell?" Camila whispered looking around the messy kitchen and back at Lauren, who looked at Camila shyly.

"I wanted to make you dinner." The creature smiled feeling her cheeks burn up with embarrassment and a feeling of regret washed over Lauren. What if the food wasn't nice and Camila hated it?

"I appreciate the effort, Lauren, but I've just ate... with Kenzie." Camila bit her lip guiltily, looking down at feet feeling really bad that she had to reject Lauren's food.

"Who's Kenzie?" Lauren said in an annoyed tone glaring at Camila as she leaned up against the counter.

"A friend." Camila mumbled picking up the pie Lauren had hand made and covered it in tin foil placing it in the fridge for later.

"I'm going upstairs." Lauren huffed loudly speeding off upstairs creating a strong force of wind when she left the kitchen.

"You're not going to help me tidy up?" Camila shouted but was too late since Lauren had already left and marched up the stairs.

Camila sighed heavily collecting all the dirty dishing and putting them in hot, soapy water. She wiped up the counters that were covered in flour and other ingredients. Eventually, she finished the kitchen after spending an hour cleaning up Lauren's mess. What was her problem? It wasn't Camila's fault that she already had lunch, right? Lauren seemed more irritated by Camila's friend, Kenzie. Maybe she already knows Kenzie and just doesn't like her.

Camila rolled her eyes, she couldn't be bothered with drama. She made herself a glass of juice and carried herself up the stairs into the study. She opened up her laptop, getting up her recent book and sat down comfortable. She thought for a few moments as she began typing quickly on the keyboard.

Hours passed. Camila hadn't realised how long she'd been writing for, until she started yawning. It was already passed 2:00am and Camila had eventually fell asleep in her chair. Luckily, Lauren had been snooping around checking if Camila was okay. Once she had seen Camila was asleep in her chair, her heart melted from the adorableness. She couldn't resist the temptation of picking her up so, she scooped her up in a bridal position as Camila's head rested gently against Lauren's chest. She placed Camila onto her bed and tucked the blankets over her body. Lauren smiled stupidly gazing at the fragile human, Camila was captivating, always catching Lauren into love struck trances. She sat on the side of the bed, watching Camila's chest expand in and out as she tucked a piece of hair behind Camila's ear. Geez, she was beautiful.

Lauren inhaled deeply smelling Camila's natural scent, which practically made Lauren high as she stood up from the bed and made her way back to her room.

Camila woke up the next morning very confused. She looked around and stared at the bed, not exactly remembering coming to bed last night. She got up and went straight to her laptop, then she continued to write. She heard light footsteps creep up the stairs and enter the study as Camila smiled softly knowing it was Lauren. She turned her head back seeing the excepted Lauren standing in the door way off her study, holding a cup of tea for Camila. She signalled Lauren to come over to the desk as Camila adjusted her glasses she had put on before writing. Lauren placed the tea down on the desk as Camila quickly took a few sips of the drink.

"You're getting better at making tea." Camila hummed, taking another big sip and settling it down next to the laptop as she looked up at Lauren.

"Thanks, are you still working?" Asked Lauren peering at the laptop nosily and leaning her bottom against the desk. Camila nodded typing a few of the keys as Lauren shook her head disappointedly. "You're working too much." Lauren admitted as Camila just nodded her head, not actually listening to Lauren.

Lauren raised her eyebrow mischievously as she pulled Camila's chair away from the desk and stood in front of the laptop messing with it. Camila jumped from her seat and practically threw herself onto Lauren's back trying to snake her arm to the laptop, but the taller girl's strength was no match for the human. She wrapped her arms around Lauren trying to pull her back with all of her strength, but Lauren didn't even stumble just laughed at Camila's effort. Camila heard more clicking as she grabbed Lauren's forearm trying even hard to pull Lauren away, for Lauren it was like the human wasn't even trying. Lauren then turned off the laptop, closing the lid and turning around to face Camila. Lauren leaned back on the desk as Camila fell into her arms by the over use of her force.

"Relax for a bit." Lauren raised her eyebrows at the younger girl as she tucked a piece of loose hair behind Camila's ear.

"Fine, put up the Halloween decorations for me?" Mumbled Camila tugging on Lauren's sleeve, which made Lauren's heart melt by Camila's little subconscious gestures.

Lauren nodded simply as both girls walked down the stairs and Camila gripped her tea, finishing it then, placing it into the sink. Camila grabbed the bags of shopping from yesterday and unpacked all the decorations.

For the next few hours both girls were completely busy with putting up the decorations. They had blown up balloons in the front garden that represented different ghouls like zombies and ghosts. They wrapped colourful lights around the hedges and placed fake cob webs over the front of house. Along with many other decorations, the girls had finally finished decorating. The last thing was... pumpkin carving; this was Camila's favourite tradition. Camila carried two large pumpkins into the kitchen and set them next to Lauren on the counter.

"Aren't you a little old for pumpkins carving?" Lauren chuckled picking up one of the circular pumpkins and toyed with it, before settling it back down on the counter.

"Shut up." Camila tried keep a serious face, after shoving Lauren lightly from her mocking.

Camila got out two sharp knives, handing one to Lauren and cutting a hole in the top of the pumpkin. Camila struggling slightly trying to cut through the vegetable but, Lauren was perfectly fine having the advantage off the extra strength. The girls scooped out of the guts of the pumpkin placing them into a bowl and giggled loudly once their skin got in contact with the guts. They gripped the knife again and both started craving the faces into the pumpkin. Lauren finished before Camila and tried taking a peak of what Camila was craving, but she wouldn't let Lauren see yet.

"Show me." Lauren whined like a child as she shook Camila's arm pleadingly and then her eyes lit up once Camila showed Lauren her craving.

"It's a cute little vampire." Camila laughed softly as Lauren smiled sweetly turning her pumpkin round too.

"I didn't know vampires were cute." Lauren teased, raising an eyebrows jokingly before washing her hands under the tap water.

"Only one." Camila grinned slightly walking over to the sink, cleaning her hands too and eyeing Lauren as her cheeks burnt red from Camila's words.

Lauren's heart was beating faster and faster as she felt Camila's hip bump into hers jokingly. Lauren removed her hands from the water and dried them quickly as she continued to have a silly smile across her face, that she couldn't hide no matter how hard she tried. She emptied the pumpkins guts away as both girls walked back over to their pumpkins.

"We need to sign it, it's a family tradition." Camila smiled rooting for the marker pen in her pocket and rolling the pumpkin onto its side.

Camila bit her lip showing the concentration in her face. Lauren listened to the sound of the pen filling the silence in the room as Camila handed the pen to Lauren. Lauren placed the pen onto the back of the pumpkin and signed her name. She looked over at what Camila had wrote on her pumpkin as she felt her heart fluster in her chest.

'Inspired by the only cute vampire there is -Camila Cabello.'

I'm in love with a monster (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now