Chapter 7

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Sighing, Camila looked around the room noticing Lauren had left. Each step Camila took, more shooting pains would cramp up Camila's right thigh. It was more painful than she had imagined and Lauren hadn't even thanked her for her selfless donation. She staggered into the kitchen picking up a pack of biscuits and orange juice, to help keep her energy up, and then staggered back to the bottom of the stairs. She glanced up the long staircase, huffing loudly staring back down at her toes. Camila took one step and whimpered out loud feeling the cramp up her leg. She glanced at the top of the stairs again and saw Lauren standing at the top. She walked down the stairs elegantly stopping next to the smaller girl and, without warning, picked her up in a bridal style. Camila didn't speak a word, slightly intimidated by the spontaneous actions of the creature. Lauren placed Camila down on her bed and tucked her into her covers, before she climbed on the other side of the bed, planting herself next to the human crossing her legs over. Camila looked straight forward, whilst leaning up against the bed frame and could she could see Lauren staring at her from the corner of her eye.

"I'm sorry about before, I got out of control and I should of even took any blood from you." Lauren said shamefully letting out a deep sigh at the end of sentence, whilst punching the bridge of her nose stressfully.

"It's not you're fault, I'm the one who offered but, now you're all better." She smiled softly at Lauren resting her hand on her knee comfortingly.

"But, now you're feeling sick." Lauren sighed guiltily looking back away from me.

"I'll be fine soon." Camila said firmly grabbing Lauren's chin and yanking it to look at her properly, Lauren finally looked her in the eyes. The demanding human only let go once Lauren had returned the (fake) smile.

"Well, you're not leaving this bed unless you need to pee because I'm going to take care of you." The stubborn creature stated not letting Camila have an objection to this. "I'm making you a cup of tea."

"I've got juice, but thank you." Camila chuckled grabbing a magazine off the side of bedside table and opening the first page holding it lightly in her hands.

"I'm going to make you a proper dinner." Lauren emphasised glaring at the pack of biscuits and back at Camila, who just rolled her eyes playfully.

Lauren left the room and made her way downstairs waltzing into the kitchen, deciding what to cook for Camila. She wanted to impress her but Lauren hadn't cooked anything in 100s of years. She searched throughout the kitchen cupboards figuring out what to make Camila. She took out a cook book from off the top of fridge and collected the ingredients she needed for the meal she had decided. She read the first method of the recipe, following it nearly perfectly and then, chopping up vegetables for sauce.

Within 15 minutes Lauren had prepared a decent dish of spaghetti bolognese. The heat steamed off the roasting plate as Lauren carried it upstairs on top of a tray. She entered Camila's room where she placed the tray on Camila's lap. Lauren sat down next to her on the bed lying her back up against the bed frame, watching Camila swirl her fork around in the spaghetti.

Camila bundled the spaghetti strings, dipped in tomato sauce, around her metal fork and lifted it to her mouth. Once tasting it, Camila scrunched up her nose from the foul taste and swallowed the spaghetti that was undercooked since it was still slightly hard.

"It's bad, isn't it?" Lauren groaned annoyingly hiding her face with her hands embarrassingly.

"It's the thought that counts." Camila smiled softly putting the tray on the floor next to the bed and patting Lauren's shoulder.

Camila unpackaged the biscuits and started to munch on a couple til she had enough then drank most of her juice. Camila shuffled down her bed, lying her head on the cold pillow and pulling the covers over her. Lauren sat on the edge of her bed, about to leave seeming that Camila was about to go to sleep. When Lauren was about to stand up she felt a tight grip around her wrist and she turned around seeing Camila pulling her back onto the bed teasingly. Lauren furrowed her eyebrows confusingly sitting back onto the bed following Camila's guidance. Lauren laid down next to the delicate human and both of them gazed into each other's eyes.

"Do you sleep?" Questioned Camila looking at the creatures facial features and cuddled the quilt closer to her, since Lauren had made it more cold.

"No, but I rest my eyes, which is the nearest thing to sleeping." Lauren shrugged, half smiling at Camila but her eyes told a different emotion; sadness.

Camila remembered Lauren about how much she misses being human and how much she regrets being turned into this monster. Lauren just gazed over at Camila and she returned the gaze as Camila shuffled closer resting her hand on Lauren's shoulder. She felt the cold shoulder touch her cheek causing goosebumps to form over her body and Camila gripped the covers pulling them over her more.

After half an hour of silence, Lauren heard a snore slide out of Camila's mouth, which was followed by more cute snoring sounds. The envious monster watched the peaceful human sleep, wishing she could be human too. Lauren traced her thumb back and forth over Camila's flushed cheeks, and couldn't help but smile at sleeping beauty.

She inhaled deeply smelling fresh blood nearby. She pulled the covers off of Camila looking down at her bandage, which had two splurges of blood soaked into the clothe. Control yourself she thought to herself, inhaling again and again smelling the scent of the tempting liquid. She breathed in and out heavily, squeezing her eyes shut fighting the uncontrollable urge. There was something about Camila's blood that was special, different to everyone else's blood, perhaps it's just a nicer taste? She darted up from the bed and raced down the stairs as she raided around the cracks of the kitchen, hoping to find a rat. Suddenly, Lauren heard whimpering from an animal behind her, she turned around and seen Camila's pet, Miracle, shaking from the sight of Lauren. No. Yes. No. Yes. She couldn't control herself.

"Lauren, don't you fucking do th-" she cursed but her eyes switched to the jet black colour, now Lauren wasn't in control of herself.

The dog dashed out the kitchen and into the garden as Lauren chased him. It wasn't long till Lauren caught up to him and got the innocent animal in her bare killer hands. Her mind covered with kill and blood to know the impact this was going to have on Camila. Lauren wrapped her hand around Miracle's throat as the dog squirmed violently trying to get out of the monsters grasp. The dog yelped for its life as Lauren let out her life-taking fangs once again and digging them into the animals neck.

Within a matter of minutes Miracle was completely drained, but Lauren's eyes didn't turn back. They stayed black so, she needed more. Lauren dropped the lifeless body and let out a terrifying hiss, sniffing the air for my prey.


8 rings from the clock echoed through the house causing Camila to wake up from her slumber. She was unsurprised when she seen Lauren wasn't next to her, but remembered how she had said she would take care off her.

"Lauren!" She shouted loudly needing the creature to bring her a drink, she'd take advantage off this new carer. "Lauren?" Camila said with a slight confusion to her voice since she new the monster would be able to hear her because of her super hearing, which Camila had assumed correctly by watching vampire and werewolf films.

She surrendered by strugglingly getting up from her kingdom of blankets and stepped out into the hall. She grabbed a book before exiting her room and stood sassily at the bottom off the attic room stairs. The stairs were a lot more steep and taller than the other ones, so Camila knew going up the stairs was no option. She held the book in her right hand chucking it at the attic door seeing her creak open, wide enough to know the vampire wasn't in there.

Perhaps she was cooking her surprise breakfast? Camila limbed down the stairs groaning at every fine movement she took. She staggered into the kitchen seeing Lauren wasn't here neither and the last place she looked was the garden. Her feet touched the ice cold floor as she looked briefly over the garden seeing little Miracle laid down on the grass. She wondered why he'd be asleep outside on the grass in the freezing cold weather, considering it was coming up winter weather. Camila shuffled over to the location off the dog brushing her hands over the sides of arms trying to warm herself up and saw the icy breath exhale from her clattering teeth.

Her jaw dropped. Camila fell to her weak knees cupping the dog into arms already spotting the bite on Miracle's neck, along with the dried up blood around it. Tears trickled down her pale cheeks as she stood cradling the dog in her shaking arms. How could Lauren do this to her? Camila loved this dog as if it was her child. She hurried back inside sniffling her nose and resting the dog the counter trying to find away revive it.

Suddenly, she heard the door open and close as rage filled her body and anger blinded the human.

I'm in love with a monster (Camren)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ