Chapter 5

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Camila's eyes rolled open as she felt Miracle's curled up body lying on top of her stomach. Before her eyes regained focus she seen a dark shadow standing in the doorway and when she took a second glance the figure was gone.

She sighed picking up her dog and carried him down the stairs eventually waking him up from his long slumber. Camila looked up at skyscraper clock, which showed '6:23pm' meaning Camila had been asleep for over 12 hours. The last thing she remembered was the conversation with the green eyed women about how she had to leave today. Surely, she couldn't make Camila leave today; it was too late. Camila strolled into the kitchen putting Miracle down feeding him more ham, since she didn't have any dog food yet. She opened the back door letting him out to do his business.

"What are you still doing here?" Camila felt the cold breath down her neck already knowing who it was and feeling the creature twist Camila's arms behind her back, making her whimper out.

"I've dec-decided I'm staying." Camila stuttered slightly but held her head high claiming what she thought was hers.

"You stupid girl." Scoffed the mysterious lady pinning Camila up against the wall allowing Camila to see her face finally.

That's when Camila's heart melted. She excepted some ugly, scary looking monster but, she got the exact opposite. Instead, standing in front of her was a flawless women. Perfect couldn't even describe her. Her smooth, dark chocolate, hair dangled below her shoulders as loose curls. Whenever her luscious, red lips parted it would show her pearl teeth. Camila's favourite feature of the lady was her emerald eyes that locked Camila into an unbreakable trance. The creature stared back into Camila's eyes and punching her fist into the wall inches away from Camila's face. Her nostrils flared and her eyes screamed with rage every time she saw Camila. For some reason she had this force that stopped her from killing Camila, which angered the monster extremely.

"I can't kill you and I can't get rid of you." Spat the women anger pouring out with each word as she pulled her hand out from the wall.

"Why can't you kil--" Camila started but instantly being cut off by the women.

"I just can't!" She yelled throwing another punch into the wall next Camila's face making her jump out of her skin. "Stay away from the attic room."

The monster glared right into Camila's eyes pressing their noses together and letting out a horrifying hiss. The creature did her speedy exit and left the kitchen leaving Camila with jaw dropping expression. Never did she think that a creature could ever look that beautiful and never did she think anyone could make her heart race so fast. Camila had already committed to a lonely life once she purchased this house and she fine with this, but now she didn't want to be lonely anymore.

The creature raced up to the attic room within a matter of seconds, slamming the door behind making the the house tremble. She paced around her room she was sick of seeing and ran her hands through her brown, soft hair stressfully. What was wrong with her? Never in years had she not killed anyone who lived here. She felt slightly dizzy when using her super speed, considering she hadn't ate in a while, so she sat down on her double bed. It was just like Camila's bed but smaller, since the monster didn't hardly sleep there wasn't much point of her actually having a bed. Shelves covered most of her walls, which where filled with thousands of books. She liked to read a lot to pass the time of her immorality and she could spend days reading. She had a desk where she liked to draw in her notebook and a wardrobe where she stored all her clothes, which were no other colour than black.

"Just kill her, Lauren, just do it!" She yelled at herself lashing out on the wall once again. "You don't have emotions you're a fucking monster!" She growled hitting the mirror this time, which smashed all over the floor getting glass stuck deep in her knuckles.

Lauren winced in pain when she tried to wiggle her fingers or move her hand at all. She opened her bedroom door, needing to go to one of the bathrooms, but instead she seen Camila standing outside her door. She jumped slightly not realising Camila was there and then got more furious when seeing her near the attic room. Lauren slammed the door behind and glared into Camila's eyes but, instead of becoming scared Camila became more embarrassed. She looked down at Lauren's knuckles, which poured with blood and pieces of glass poked out from her cuts. This made Camila gasp loudly taking Lauren's cold wrist and pulling her down all the long staircases, resting at the island in the kitchen. They both sat down at the counter as Lauren watched the worried human gathering her first aid and other supplies. Camila held Lauren's hand feeling the coldness create goosebumps up her arm and clenched hold of the tweezers in her right hand. Camila carefully picked out the glass from Lauren's injury making her jump from the sharp shooting pains and Lauren squeezed Camila's hand. She pulled out the biggest parts then, stared intently at the cut delicately taking out the smaller bits. Each time she felt Lauren's grip tighten around her hand, which made butterflies in her stomach erupt.

"I'm almost finished now." Camila smiled softly taking out the last two pieces of glass out and feeling Lauren letting go of my hand.

"Thank you." Lauren said simply standing up her stool and wriggling her fingers slightly.

"Shall I put a bandage around it?" Asked Camila politely collecting up all the glass and throwing them into the trash, turning back to Lauren.

"No, it'll heal quickly." Lauren nodded as she used her super speed to run out of the kitchen.

However, she stopped at the kitchen frame as her head danced circles unable to see straight. Lauren fell to the floor, whilst Camila rushed over kneeling besides the creature. She shook the monster gently seeing Lauren's eyes rolling to the back of her head and eventually closing. Camila sat on her knees and looked over Lauren's body having no idea what to do. Panic flushed through Camila's body as she tried picking Lauren up off the floor. She carried Lauren, in a bridal position, strugglingly into the living room and laid her down on the red, wooden frame sofa. Camila grabbed the thin, scatty blanket that she kept over the other sofa and threw the it over Lauren's cold body. Camila didn't really know what to do to help her, after all she was a monster. She took a stool placing it near the couch next to Lauren's resting body and sat down on the chair, watching her rest. Camila couldn't help but gaze at the gorgeous creature getting locked in a love struck trance.

Lauren's eyes began to open again and the vertigo had worn off. When she regained focus she seen the smaller girl sitting next to her, watching her carefully. Camila tapped herself out of the love filled gaze as Lauren sat up slowly holding her head. She grabbed a handful of the blanket and laughed to herself, wondering why the silly human had put a quilt over her.

"What's this for?" Lauren scoffed playfully holding up the blanket, furrowing her eyebrows at Camila who just blushed embarrassingly.

"Yo-you were cold." Camila spoke quietly feeling her cheeks darken to a deep shade of red as she looked down at her hands fiddling with thumbs.

Lauren chuckled to herself showing her snow white teeth and her million dollar smile. Lauren hadn't remembered the last time she had smiled; probably years ago. Somehow, this girl had managed to do it without even trying. Lauren scrambled to her feet from the sofa steadily and decided to not use her super speed for a while, since it drained her energy. She limbed away from Camila going back to her attic room not wanting to get any closer with the human.

"Wa-wait may I ask yo-you something?" Camila said shyly stuttering a few words in sentence and shooting up from her seat.

Lauren sighed quietly turning back around to see Camila's sheepish smile, that sped up Lauren's heartbeat ever so slightly. She nodded, raising her left eyebrow curiously and signalling for the smaller girl to speak.

"What's your name?" Camila asked again tilting her head to the right naturally and scanned the creatures figure, biting her lip subconsciously.

Lauren couldn't remember the last time someone had asked her for her name and she was caught off guard. Lauren stared at Camila shockingly then, shook herself back into reality as the smaller girl waited for an answer.

"Lauren Jauregui." She replied simply turning back around and exited the living room gliding up the stairs, retreating back to her attic room.

I'm in love with a monster (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now