As Harry drove away, I walked as quickly as I could inside the building. Classes were just about to start and the last thing I wanted to do was face-

"Louis!" A voice called out for me. I turned around subconsciously and my heart lept when I saw who it was. Zayn was waving at me from the other side of the hallway and luckily, I was right in front of the classroom. I quickly got inside and sat the furthest away from the door. The room was already packed, the only missing person being the professor. Seconds later, the old man showed up and closed the door behind him.

"Alright, class," He spoke loud and clear, "Let's get back to where we were."


After a God awful long class, the professor finally dismissed us when I was just about to fall asleep. I quickly packed up my notes and blended with the crowd of students to leave. I figured if I stayed in that large group, then Zayn wouldn't see me, but that was too good to be true.

I was walking out the door for not even a second before I felt someone latch onto my forearm and drag me out of the crowd. My head shot to the left and I wasn't surprised to see it was Zayn.

"What're you doing?" I practically spat, "Are you out of your mind?! Let go of me!"

"Calm down, Louis," Zayn insisted, "I just want to talk to you."

"Well, I don't want to talk to you," I said and crossed my arms on my chest as soon as he let go of me.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I did, alright?" He apologized, "It was way out of line and I wasn't even in the right state of mind..."

"That's not an excuse, Zayn," I muttered.

He bit his bottom lip, "I know...I just really want to take it back and-"

"You can't take it back, that's not how things work," I frowned.

Zayn sighed exasperated, "Look, I know alright? I'm just trying to be the bigger person and apologize and you're not letting me!"

"Maybe because I don't want to hear it," I answered, "Look, I need time to process this shit. Harry's upset, I'm upset and I need to think about some stuff, alright?"

Zayn looked taken aback, "Oh, uh. Okay?"

"If you're quite finished, I need to go to class," I said, "And I think you should too. I'll see you around."

I didn't give Zayn a chance to respond before turning on my heels and getting the hell out of there to my next lesson.


Harry's POV

"So, Harry!" The music producer, Richard, grinned, "I'm so happy you decided to drop by today!"

I chuckled, "Well, it's kind of an honor to be here today so I would be an idiot if I didn't come here."

"Good thinking, kid," He smiled while pointing at me.

I was at work, doing my regular shift of setting inventory and doing all that fun stuff, when I felt my phone buzz from my back pocket. Now, I don't usually have my phone with me at work. Usually, Lou distracts me with his cute texts throughout the day and even though I didn't reply straight away and out where everyone could see me, my boss somehow noticed me with my face glued to my phone and now he insists on me leaving in either at home or at the lockers in the backroom.

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