Things got a bit complicated

Start from the beginning

We were restless tonight. Everything that we found out today weighed heavily on our minds, and I stood at my bedroom window, thinking. Scarlett walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I rubbed her arms gently. Just her touched calmed me.

I turned and looked at her. At that moment, I needed her more than ever and pulled her in front of me. I pushed her up against the wall and smashed my lips into hers. I needed her now. I needed to feel her, and she knew it.

She undid my pants quickly, and I unbuttoned hers. As soon as they were off, I slid inside her and thrust feverishly inside of her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, then wrapped her legs around my waist. I placed a hand on the wall next to her to steady us. I held her with my other hand.

I needed this. I needed to feel the inside of Scarlett. I needed this closeness to her. I just needed her. As I thrust faster and harder inside her, we both hit our peak, letting out a deep groan. The release felt terrific, and we both needed it.

I laid my forehead against hers. "Feel better?" She whispered.

"Yeah," I said breathlessly.

I pulled out and let her down gently. We pulled up our pants; then it hit me. I didn't wear protection. Fuck!

"What's wrong?" She asked, concerned.

"I didn't wear protection," I said, panic rising in my voice. That's all we needed right now. With everything going on, a kid on top of it, great.

She walked over to me, placing her hand on the side of my cheek, forcing me to look at her, "It's okay."

"No, it's not. What if you get pregnant?" I asked.

"But I won't," she whispered.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked her.

"Because at least one of us has to think with our head since you guys have two," she giggled.

I gave her a look, and she tried to look serious, "This isn't a time for jokes."

"Oh, trust me, I know Mr. Serious Pants," she said, putting her hand up to me in an offensive pose. "Matt, I'm already on birth control."

"But I thought you never did?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes, "Seriously? That's what you guys automatically think? That girls get on it for pregnancy?"

"Well, isn't it?" I questioned.

"No, you idiot! Sometimes we get on it because our cycles are all janky. My dad put me on it so I could be regular," she said, shaking her head.

"Oh," I replied, puffing my lips.

"Oh, it is right. Sometimes I have to wonder about you guys," she smirked.

"So, does this mean I don't have to use protection?" I asked with a grin.

She smacked me, "No, dumbass; you still have to use it. But if those rare occasions we have a spontaneous sex session, at least we won't have to worry. Sometimes I wonder about your idiot gene if you didn't inherit it from Frazier."

I gave her a look, walking towards her, "I'll give you, idiot gene."

I chased her around the room, then downstairs until I had her pinned down, tickling her.

"It looks like things are back to normal," Drew said, then they heard a knock at the door. "Don't worry; I'll get it. You two continue with whatever that is," Drew added, walking to the door and opening it, finding no one there.

We got up and walked over to the door, as did everyone else did. Before anyone said anything, something swung down in front of the door causing the girls to scream. It stopped, and we looked at the plastic-wrapped item to see Micha hanging there gutted like an animal as Drew added, "Or not." There was a note attached to the plastic, and he pulled it off. He opened it up and read it, "A gift from me to you. He was getting in my way."

I took the note from Drew. There wasn't any signature. We looked at each other, then Junior said, "Time to make the call."

We all nodded except Scarlett. She was hella confused. As Junior made the call, I looked at her, "Get packed."

"Why?" Scarlett asked.

"We're leaving. It's not safe here anymore," I answered.

"What's going on, Matt?" Scarlett questioned.

"Whoever did this to Micha, we're next," I said to her, and her face dropped.

She thought for a minute then said, "Okay, but can still share a bed?"

I gave her a look.

"What? I grew accustomed to you poking me in the morning," Scarlett grinned.

"Come on, horn dog," I said, grabbing her hand as we headed upstairs. Leave it to Scarlett to find humor when we have her dead ex-boyfriend hanging in front of our front door.

After we packed our stuff, we came down to see our fathers, along with Cole and Dean, standing there with some other men in suits.

"Ready?" Dad asked.

We all nodded as we walked passed Micha's body and got into black SUVs. Once inside, Cole gave the drivers the signal to go, and we left.

Scarlett, Drew, Liz, and I were in the back with Hunter and dad. While Elijah, Davina were with Jordan and Dean. Junior and Hope were with Frazier and Cole. We drove for a while.

"So, where are we going?" Scarlett asked.

"Somewhere safe," Dad said.

"Will we still attend school?" She asked.

"Yes, but with bodyguards," Dad responded to her question.

"We're not getting locked up like criminals, are we?" She asked.

"This girl sure likes to ask a lot of questions, doesn't she?" Hunter asked.

"You have no idea," the four of us said in unison.

"Hey! I'm a curious person," she said.

"More like an annoying person," Hunter said.

"I'll have you know I have a very vibrant, bubbly personality," she grinned.

"Is that what they are calling it now?" Hunter asked her.

"Well, considering your personality is lacking that human quality, I would say so," she snapped.

We all stared at her as Hunter glared at her.

"I'll have you know, people like my personality just fine," he said in a low voice.

"Are you sure about that? Because from what I've seen, you say little and seem kind of," she stopped trying to find the word.

"Intriguing?" He asked.

"I was going with dull," she said.

He sat back, thinking to himself. Great, my girlfriend will disappear tomorrow. Hunter finally sat forward and spoke to her, "I'm not dull."

She leaned forward, "Then how about you lighten up a bit. I get the whole being serious when need to but seriously, dude, you need to let loose."

"Why?" Hunter asked with a look.

"Because people would like you better if you did," she smiled.

He looked at her, then shrugged, "I guess I've been too serious for a while."

"Look, life is hard. We all know this, but if you don't have some light moments, then you better call it a day. You should live life, not worried about the next bad thing to happen. I refuse to live in fear. Isn't that why people fear you guys because you don't live in fear?" She asked Hunter and Dad.

Hunter looked at Dad, "She's got the point."

"That's why she's perfect for Matt," Dad said back to Hunter.

I stared at Scarlett in awe. Not only was she a beautiful person inside and out, but she was also fearless. Yep, Scarlett got my father's approval hands down.

I leaned over and whispered to her, "Well, I guess you're stuck with me now."

She looked at me, "Correction, you're stuck with me."

"Welcome to the family, baby," I said in a low husky voice, and with that, she blushed.

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