Planning and plotting, what could go wrong?

Start from the beginning

He walked over, and they pointed to the grave that had already settled. It covered with a light dusting of snow. Drew looked at it and got back on the excavator and started it up. He had to break up the ground so that we could dig.

Once we could break the ground and loosen the dirt, the six of us dug. As we dug, we made our way down about six feet, until we hit something substantial. We knelt and brushed away the dirt to find the coffin. We dug around until we found the latch of the top of the casket. We had to use our shovels to pry it open, and as we were about to open it, we heard the girls, "Dad! Someone is coming." It was Liz, but we couldn't quite make out what she had said because of the grunting we were doing.

Then before we knew it, we had a flashlight shone on us, and a gruff voice say, "What are you people doing?"

We stopped, taken by surprise, and looked up to see the bright light blinding us. It was a security guard, fantastic.

He looked at all of us until he landed on Jordan, "Dr. Shaw? Is that you?"

Jordan sighed, "Hey, Harold."

"What are you doing here?" Harold asked him.

"Oh, well, you know, digging up a body," Jordan answered.

"In the middle of the night?" Harold questioned.

Jordan climbed out of the grave, "Yeah. Harold, I am working on a special case of a patient, and I remembered that this deceased person exhibits the same disorder. So, I hired these people to exhumed the body so I can take it back to the clinic and examine the brain."

"Don't you need a court order," Harold asked him.

Jordan reached into his back pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper and held it up to him, "Do you mean this?"

Harold took the paper and opened it up and read it. Then he folded it and handed it back to him, "Okay. Do you mind me asking what kind of disorder?"

He leaned in and said, "He has idiotis stomptitis. It's very technical. You wouldn't even understand."

"Sounds complicated," Harold said, nodding.

"Oh, it is. We're just going to get what we need and be on our way," Jordan explained.

"Yeah, sure. You have a good night, Dr. Shaw," Harold said.

"You too, Harold," he said as the guy walked away. He climbed back into the grave.

Dad looked at him, "Idiotis stompitis? What the hell is that?"

"Oh, you know, stomping an idiot," Jordan said, looking at us unamused. "Now, let's get this done before Harold realizes that I completely made that up."

"Where in the hell did you get a court order?" Frazier asked him.

"Oh, you mean this," he said, pulling out a piece of paper. "It's something that I kept around just in case, oh, I don't know, I ever feel the need to dig up a body. Now can we finish this before my nuts fall off."

"Well, we could if you had any," Frazier retorted. He shot Frazier a glare, then smacked him on the back of the head.

"Knock it off, you two," Dad growled, causing them to stop.

We went back to prying open the casket, and once we did, it shocked us.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jordan exclaimed.

"This is some sick joke," Dad said.

"Not even I'm that good," Frazier said to us.

We all looked down in the coffin and couldn't believe our eyes. Whoever was lying in that coffin wasn't Maddox? It looked like him but wasn't him. Drew climbed into the grave and knelt. He looked at the neck, "Um, guys, we have a problem."

"What's that?" I asked him.

"I snapped this person's neck, but that's not Maddox," Drew said.

"How can you tell? I mean, he's been in there a while," Elijah said.

"Watch," Drew said as he pulled on the skin, making us squirm. He pulled it away, revealing someone else altogether. He handed what looks like skin to Jordan, who looked at it, then gave it to Frazier.

"Latex?" Frazier asked.

"Yep," Jordan answered.

We all looked at each other. That was not good. It was terrible, very terrible. If Maddox wasn't in that grave, where the fuck was he? We closed the casket and started covering it until we filled it.

On our way back, I sat next to Scarlett and looked out of the car window. I knew the gut feeling I had was real. Somehow I knew that wasn't him, which means not only did we have to deal with Micha and this damn fanatic but also Maddox, who was on the loose somewhere.

Could anything else happen at this point? I didn't even want to answer that because I already knew, well, shit.

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