Just shoot me now

Start from the beginning

"She didn't?" I asked, surprised.

"She did, and she probably still is," she giggled.

I got to hand it to my sister. She was a force of nature. She always had been until Maddox got his hands on her. I don't know why he crossed my mind since Drew snapped his neck and killed him in Mexico. Something ate at me when his name popped into my mind. Ever since that day, something always felt off about went down that day. I never mentioned it to anyone since it was a feeling I had.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear Scarlett call my name, "Matty."

"What?" I asked, snapping out of my thoughts.

"I've been calling your name. What are you thinking? You're like a million miles away," she said to me.

"It's nothing," I said, rubbing my face.

"Are you sure?" She asked me.

I sighed, "No."

"Tell Dr. Scarlett your problems," she said, sitting up and patting her legs.

I chuckled. I sat up and looked at Scarlett, "Okay, but whatever I tell you to have to stay in this room. You can't say anything to anyone." My tone was severe. She looked at me and took my hands, reassuring me.

I started from the beginning telling her about Maddox, explaining his family and my family's hatred for each other. She listens intently. I explained everything that happened, including what happened on spring break and what Drew did. Her expression spoke volumes. I think it was a mixture of shock and awe.

After I finished, I waited for her to say something. She sat there quietly, tapping her finger against her lips. I think she was trying to understand everything I told her. I wouldn't blame her if she went running and screaming from the house.

"That would explain why Maddox mysteriously disappeared," she said.

That was not the reaction that I was expecting.

"So, you have no issue with what I told you?" It surprised me by how calm she acted.

She leaned over, "Considering Maddox was a douche anyway, not really."

I looked at her.

She rolled her eyes, "Matt, I saw what he did to Liz. Everyone did. The problem was, no one would stand up to the idiot. They all stood by and let it happen except me. I even helped her one day after he used her like a rag doll. How could a guy be that callous with someone is beyond me?"

"So, she was telling us the truth that you helped her," I said.

"Why wouldn't she? Look, I didn't help her so that I could earn brownie points with you. I did it because it the right thing to do. Why shouldn't people treat people like human beings instead of an object? I couldn't stand by and let him do that, no matter who the person was. It's not right," she shook her head.

That was what I loved about her. She had this tendency to treat people with respect, no matter who they were. She never looked down on someone because they were less than her but always as an equal.

I leaned over and gave her a soft kiss, "You know I love you, right?"

"Well, I would hope so considering all the crap we went through," she grinned. I chuckled. Even in the worst of times, she could still make me laugh.

Later on, we talked to the others, and I told them about telling her. Their reaction was less than thrilled.

"You told her," Elijah exclaimed, gesturing to Scarlett.

"She had a right to know," I shrugged.

"Without clearing it with us?" Junior asked.

"I didn't think I needed to clear my every conversation with my girlfriend, Dad," I snapped at him.

He stood up and looked me in the face, "Watch your tone."

"No, you watch yours. Junior, you may be older, but that doesn't give you the right to decide the discussion between people," I argued.

That led to us arguing, which led to each one fighting with us as well and sides divided. Finally, Scarlett uses two fingers to whistle to get our attention after she tried many times, calling our names. We stopped and looked at her.

"Arguing is getting you guys nowhere. It's dividing you. Look, I get it. I'm an outsider, but it doesn't mean I don't understand. I will not judge you on what you did. I understand why you did it, plus it's not my place to say if it's right or wrong. What I do know is four guys took a chance, saving me and my roommate's life one night. If it weren't for them, we would have been dead. If you were these bad people, Micha would have been dead that night without hesitation, but he's not. I don't think you kill just to kill. You do whatever it takes to protect your family because that's what families do," she finished.

We all looked at her, then at each other.

"She's right," said Drew.

"Eh, I know I'm right, you don't have to point out the obvious," she said, rolling her eyes and getting a look from Drew, then hiding behind me.

I gave her a look behind me, and she shrugged. Leave it to Scarlett to point out the obvious to everyone. She may have a sense of humor, but she was also level-headed, which benefited us.

She tugged on my sleep and whispered something to me. I whispered back, and we went back and forth, muttering.

"Are you two done talking in Morse code, or do you need to continue?" Junior asked us.

"It's nothing," I said with a shrug until she slugged me, giving me a look, and I returned it.

"Just tell them, Matt," she pushed me.

"Tell us what?" Asked Drew.

"It's stupid. It's not even worth mentioning," I said, trying to blow it off.

"It's not stupid," she said a matter of fact.

"Does someone want to tell us what the hell you two are babbling?" Junior asked with a slight irritation to his voice.

"Fine. Matt doesn't think Maddox is dead," she blurted.

"Scarlett!" I snapped.

"Well, you don't," Scarlett said with a look.

Drew furrowed his eyebrows, "Matt, you saw me break his neck with your eyes. Everyone did."

"I saw what looked like Maddox, but it's not to say it was Maddox. Think about it?" I suggested.

"I am, and what you're saying makes no sense," Drew said to me.

"I don't know. What if the guy whose neck you snapped was someone else and not Maddox?" I questioned.

"That's ridiculous! That's like saying you're not who you are. Don't you think that's insane?" Drew asked me.

"Maybe, but I swear something felt off that day, and it still does. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's something, but I need to know for sure he's dead," I said to them.

"Fine. We'll rob a grave to satisfy your curiosity. But if this bites us in the ass, it's your funeral," Drew chided.

"So, who are we going to call?" Elijah asked.

"Who else? The funeral crashers themselves," Junior said.

"Here, I thought you would say The Ghostbusters," Scarlett deadpanned.

We all shot her a look.

"What I thought was funny. Geez, you all need to get a sense of humor. We're about to rob a grave, and you can't take one little joke? We will need a sense of humor if we're digging up a grave in the dead of winter," Scarlett ordered us.

Oh, Scarlett, only you would find humor in robbing a grave. Not sure how the funeral crashers will react, but I guess it will be a comedy of errors. Guess we will find out.

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