They're called fanatics for a reason

Start from the beginning

"Why would he do this, Matt? Why would he come into my safe place and make it unsafe? Why? All because he became obsessed and couldn't let it go! What did I do to him to deserve this?" She screamed as tears streamed down her face. She was so angry, and I didn't blame her. I walked over to her, and she let it fly. She yelled and screamed as she pounded my chest, "Why? Why did he do this? Why, Matt?"

I wrapped my arms around her as she struggled in my arms until she gave in and sobbed. I leaned my head on hers, "I wish I knew, baby."

Once I calmed her, we helped her pack whatever clothes we could and a few personal items. The rest she left behind. She would not stay in the dorm anymore. She didn't feel safe, no matter how many locks she had. As we left her building one last time and carried her stuff out, she looked up, "Well, good to know I'm now homeless thanks to that douche head."

"What about your brothers?" Liz asked her.

"They stay in a fraternity house. That means girls not allowed to live there." She shrugged. We looked at each other.

"Don't worry about me. I'm sure the housing commission can find a place for me, you know, with the circumstances and all," Scarlett said as she took the other bags and box of stuff from us. "I'll call you after I figure out where they will place me."

She turned and walked away.

"Matt, you can't let her leave," Liz said to me.

"What do you want me to do? Even if I ask her, you know she wouldn't want to put us out," I said to them in frustration.

"Well, good thing I can be so convincing," she said.

"What?" I asked, confused. She looked at Drew, and he smirked.

"What did you two do?" I asked them.

"You'll see," he grinned.

Then I heard someone say, "I can believe you would allow her to carry all these things." It was Elijah carrying a box and a bag of Scarlett's things.

"Yeah, Matt, what the hell is wrong with you? I thought your dad raised you better than that," Junior said, walking past me with a couple more bags.

I looked at them, then saw Scarlett walking with Davina and Hope.

"What the hell?" I asked, feeling confused.

"I called the others and told them to meet us here. I knew you wouldn't want to ask Scarlett so, I took a chance," Liz said with a smile.

I shook my head and chuckled, "You've been hanging with Drew too much."

"At least she's hanging with someone good looking, unlike someone else I know," Drew said, and I smacked him, causing us to horse around.

Once we made it back to the house, we took her stuff to my room and set it down. They left us alone. She stood there, "This was not my idea. I told them I would be fine, and I didn't want to impose."

I walked over to her as she rambled and pulled her to me, then gave her a soft kiss, "I know, but I'm glad they took it upon themselves to change your mind."

"You are?" Scarlett questioned.

"Yes, I am," I smiled at her. "Welcome home, baby."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around me, "Thank you, Matt. I love you so much for doing this for me."

"I'm glad cause I would hate to see the woman I love hurt again. Now I know you'll be safe because you'll be here with us and me," I said.

"Now we need to do something about your snoring," she grinned.

"I don't snore!" I exclaimed.

"Ah, yeah, you do," she said, looking at me.

"I'll give you are snoring," I said as I chased her out of the room.

Drew and I went down the florist to find out about the flowers while Scarlett stayed with everyone else to get some rest. After talking to the florist, they couldn't give us much information, only that someone offered their delivery guy money for his uniform for a few hours. We asked if he saw who it was, and the florist said they kept their face hidden. The only thing the delivery guy told the person was that the company doesn't allow smoking in the truck.

We left and went back to the house. So, the person who delivered the flowers was the same person outside Jordan's house that night. Not only did we have to deal with the aftermath of what happened to Scarlett, but also Mom's crazy fan. Hence why they call fans - fanatics.

I didn't understand why Scarlett. She has nothing to do with my mom?

When we arrived back at the house, there was a package on the front step with a card attached to Liz's name on it. I picked it up and looked at Drew.

"Now what?" Drew asked.

I shook the box, and nothing was ticking, "Well, it's not a bomb, thank God."

We came in, and I handed the package to Liz. She opened the card. It read something for a sweet girl. She opened the box as we stood there, and inside was candy. Not your run-of-the-mill candy, this was expensive candy. We all looked at each other.

Drew picked it up and tossed it in the trash.

"Why did you throw it away?" Liz asked him.

"The person might lace it with something," Drew said to her.

It was getting weirder and weirder by the minute.

"If this is from that crazy fan, why make them seem like nice gifts?" Scarlett asked.

"To throw us off guard," Junior said. "I'll let our parents know." He called our parents to give them a heads up.

Over the next few days, the girls all received lovely gifts. Hope received jewelry, and Davina received stuffed animals, which we tossed in the trash outside. Jewelry could have a tracking device, and the stuff animals could have cameras. You think that would be the end, right? Wrong, that was the beginning, and what was coming next would make all our heads spin.

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