The Unexpected Boy

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We were ready and we were in the living room waiting for Sally to come so we can go clubbing. Finally Sally arrived. She was wearing a gold shiny strapless dress and black high heels. She look beautiful. But she was too fancy. She had an angry expression on her face, 'Are you alright?' Carly asked her. Then sally said 'Yeah, i know what you guys are thinking, why is sally wearing so fancy! You wanna know why? iìll tell you why, because me and Mario we have our seven'th month anniversary today and were so suppose to go to a romantic dinner together tonight but in the last minute he called me and told me that he had a family emergency and that he couldnt make it. Guys, i think he is cheating on me with some slut! cause this isint the first time he cancelled plans for us.' She was surprisingly calm. She wasnt crying nor about to cry. She was calm, angry but calm. 'Oh my god Sally are you okay?' I told her and she yelled ''Yeah im fine, lets just go out and have fun and maybe get a bit tipsy!' 'Maybe?' I said. She smirked. Yep she was getting wasted tonight. 'Damon, would you like to give Sally some advice, maybe mario isint cheating on her, cause well you're a boy and you know what boys think and stuff'' Carly told Damon. He gave her the 'what the fuck' look. Then Damon looked at Sally and said 'Well, Sally if he really loves you he would have gone out tonight with you or in this case if he said that he has a family emergency, if its true then something is really up, but he would make it up to you, hopefully.' Sally didnt say anything then after a while she said 'Fuck it, lets go, lets get wasted!'

So we left and went to the club. The club was full of people. We went at the bar and the bar man asked us what we wanted to order, Sally jumped and said 'four teqilues, four red abstents and four martini's please'. The bar man made a half smile and said 'coming right up ms,' We looked at Sally with a 'are you serious' expressions on our face. Then she said 'What? i told you that im getting drunk tonight'. Carly ordered three teqilous and drank them quickly, sally did the same. Then Sally grabbed Carly's hand and told her to go to the dancefloor. Me and Damon took some shots and went dancing as well. Carly looked tipsy but she knew what she was doing but on the other hand Sally was completely wasted. Then a nice looking boy came near Carly and started talking to her. Then they went on the sofa, talking. Sally begin running in circles and dancing crazily. And after a while i looked for Sally but she was now where to be found. We took alot of time dancing and we got tired. We checked the time and it was almost 3am. Wow the time went by really fast.

We went to fine Carly and Sally. I went to the girl's bathroom and i found Sally having sex with some boy. Oh wait, is that Jeremy, Sally's old bestfriend/crush since elementry school? Oh my god. He moved about four years ago. Now he is back and having sex with Sally ?!? Well he did have a huge crush on her, 'Sally dress up now, we are going home' I told her. She got dressed and then turned around Jeremy and told him 'I had fun' 'Me too, call you tomorrow? i miss you.' Jeremy told her. 'Yeah i would like that. And i miss you too' She told him. We got in the car and went home.

When we got home we found Carly sitting on the sofa with that boy from the club. 'Hey guys sorry i left with out saying goodbye but we were tired. Anyways this is Thomas. We looked at Thomas and we were shocked!. 'Carly dont you think he has a resemblance to Joe?' i told her. Then Carly looked at thomas and then carly screamed and said 'Ar-ar-ar-arent you suppose to be dead?' Thomas looked confused but then said 'ooh i think you are confusing me with my half brother, you see i live with my cousins cause my mum died before i was born and my dad was never in my life. A few days ago i found out that i had two step brothers and so i came here to meet them but i found out that one of them is in juvy and the other was in a car accident and died. And so, well tonight i went to the club to get my mind off things and so i met Carly. She is very nice and friendly.And i would like to all get to know eachother and can be friends' We agreed and stayed chatting. 


Hey guys sry for the long wait, but i've been busy. Anyways hope u like it and please VOTE and COMMENT  and FOLLOW please and thankyou so much :) ! x

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