The Kiss

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Jade's P.O.V

It was 5pm, i began to prepare for tonight with my date with Damon. I was so excited. I took a quick shower. I blowdryed my hair and I got out the iron curler to give my ends of my hair some curls then i strightened my bangs. My hair was ready. Then i did some makeup, i just put on some consealer, foundation,blush, mascara, eyeliner and a bit lipgloss. I went to my drawer and got out a red laced bra and red panties, i went to my drawer and got out a black high wasted shorts and a blue tank top and some blue converse. I wore my infinity necklace and some bracletes. I got my small black bag and i put in it some cash and my cellphone. I was ready to go. I was excited and nervous at the same time. It was 6.45pm, my friends had left a couple of minutes ago to meet their dates too then i left the house to go near the arkade to meet Damon.

Damon's P.O.V

It was 6.55pm and i left the house to meet Jade. I was so nervous and excited. She isnt like the other girls, she, she is diffirent. I like her. I went near the arkade and their she was. She was so beautiful. I went to meet her. When i arrived near her she smiled. Wow she has a realy nice smile. Then i told her "Hey, sorry im late" then she told me "Its okey, i just arrived" I smiled. I dont know why but everytime she talks to me, i get loads of butterflies in my stomach. Then i told her "So what movie you wanna see?" "I dont care as long as i see the movie with you." she told me. I had lots of butterflies and i smiled at her. We went to the cinema and we chose the film "The Notebook" It took one hour and half to end. When it finished we went to the park.

Jade's P.O.V 

We saw "The Notebook" and it took like an hour and a half to end. We then went to the park and set on a bench. Then Damon told me "Soo..tell me something about you" then i told him "What do you wanna know?" Then he told me" I dont know, whats your favourite colour?" Then i told him "Black and red, how about you?" Then he told me" Im obsessed with the colour red" I smiled. "So um how are your parents like?" he asked me. Then i  told him "My parents got a divorce a few weeks after i was born. I live with my mum but i got a step father which we dont get much along." "Oh im sorry, my parents got a divorce too. I live with my dad." he told me. Wow we had so much in common. We continued to get to know eachother. It was almost 9.30pm. After a while Damon asked me " Jade, can i kiss you?" I smiled and told him "Of course you can"

Damon's P.O.V

I was so nervous. It was almost 9.30pm when i asked her "Jade, can i kiss you?" I had butterflies in my stomach when she told me "Of course you can" she was smiling. She is so beautiful. I put my hand on her cheek, she blushed and i leaned in for a kiss, she leaned in too when after two seconds our lips touched,she bit my lower lip. It was so passionate. We kept on kissing when i broke the kiss and i looked into her eyes and told her "I love you jade" I realy meant it. She gave me a peck on my lips and told me " I love you too Damon"


So did you guys like it? I hope you do. Please vote and comment. I will try to upload more often. Thanks! :)

Francesca (: xxx

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