Club Fever

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Carly's P.O.V

"I cant believe we are here!" I said. "Yeah! Lets get a drink and go dancing on the dancefloor. Maybe some guys will join us !" said Jade. "Haha yeah lets!" said Alex. "Hey im going outside waiting for Mario cause he sended me a text and told me that he is almost here! I will catch up with you later kay?" said Sally. "Yeah sure. Have fun and dont forget to play safe " said Jade. And we all agreed with her. Then sally left. We all went near the bar to order our drinks. "Hey carly what are you going to get?" told me Alex. "I think i will get a teqila" I said. I love teqilas! "Ooh of course you are" said Jade cause she knows i love teqilas! "Hehe and you are getting an aftershock arent you jade?" I told her. Jade knows that i know that she loves aftershocks! "Well maybe im gonna try something different today!" Jade told me. "Something that i will get a bit of tipsy!" She continued. "Ooh yeah lets get drunk tonight!" Alex said. And me and Jade agreed with her. We decided to get some roundes! I had like 3 teqilas and 4 vodkas stright! Alex had 3 triple A's and 4 martines. And Jade took 4 triple A's and 3 vodkas and 2 aftershock silver. We were getting a bit tipsy and then we decided to go on the dancefloor. Then after a while a super hot guy joins us. But he begin to dance with Jade. I think he likes her. And I think Jade liked him too cause she begin to dance with him too. About 30mins after Jade and that super hot boy got off the dancefloor. "Hey i will be right back, just have a bit of fun yeah?" told me Jade. "Yeah sure have fun" I told her. Yep she was drunk, and so was i and Alex.

Jade's P.O.V

So yeah i was dancing with my besties half drunk on the dancefloor when a super cute guy came and began to dance with me and I danced with him back. And then like 30mins later he told me to go on the sofa with him. Ooh yeah in the club there were some sofa's to sit on. So yeah..I agreed with him and we went. When we arrived we sat. Then super cute guy told me "Hey my name is Damon. Whats yours?" I smiled and told him " Hey Damon, my name is Jade" He smiled and told me "Jade, what a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl like you" I blushed a little and he kept on smiling. "So what are you doing here?" Damon told me. "Well its my birthday today and my friends decided that they are taking me clubbing" I told him. Damon looked surprised at me, and i was like what? Then after like 2mins, Damon told me "Today is your birthday? Today is my birthday too! Happy birthday Jade!" I was kinda of shocked but i smiled and i told him happy birthday back. "So how old are you now?" Damon told me. "16. And you ?" I told him. Damon looked surprised and again and he told me "Me too" "We have so much in common!" I told him. "Yes we do" Damon said.

Damon's P.O.V

I was dancing in club 9 alone, since my best friend ditched me for some hot chick. Then i went on the dancefloor and a girl caught my eye. she was beautiful! I went dancing with her, she danced back. Then after like 30mins later i told her to go on a sofa, she agreed. When we arrived we sat. I wanted to get to know her. Something or someone in my head was attached to her. She was different. I liked her. I told her that my name is Damon, then i told her whats her name. She told me that her name is Jade. "Jade" Her name kept going in my mind. She was a very beautiful girl!. Then i asked her what was he doing here and she told me that it was her birthday today and her friends wanted to take her clubbing. I was kinda of surprised when she told me it was her birthday cause i had my birthday today too. Then i asked her how old was she and she told me 16. I was surprised again cause i was 16 too! Altough i just met her but i was developing some feeling for her.

Sally's P.O.V

I finally met Mario and we went inside the club. I was trying to find my friends when it caught my eye that someone was throwing up on the dancefloor and then i realised that it was my bestie Carly! I went to help her. I took her to the girl's room to wash her face up! Yep that was Carly! everytime we go clubbing she has to get drunk! Alex was drunk too but not as Carly! Then i began to wonder and i told Alex where was Jade. Then she told me that some guy went to talk to her and she went with him on the sofa. I was happy for jade that she found someone to have fun with tonight! Cause Carly and Alex were to drunk and didnt know what was happening so she couldnt have alot of fun with them. Once a washed Carly and Alex's face up they were getting a bit tipsy and not as drunk as before! But of course Carly when she realised that she was tipsy, she wanted to drink some more. I was getting mad cause i didnt want to babysit after her, I wanted to have have fun with my bf! But after like 2mins some guy came in and told me "Dont worry i will take care of your friend" He seemed nice and Carly was smiling and said yes. I think she liked him. I was glad that a guy came along and wanted to have fun with Carly. Then i told him if he has a friend so his friend will have fun with Alex and he said yes and Alex and Carly went off with him. So after i went with Mario to dance on the dancefloor!


So please tell me what you think! And dont forget to vote and comment. Thanks so much

Francesca c: XX

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