True Love Never Dies

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Jade's P.O.V

It was sunday, at 2pm of the afternoon. I had a massive hangover. I guess yesterday we got drunk. But the worst think is that i dont know what the hell happened. All remember that i kissed Luke and then we went dancing but then i dont know what happened or how i got home. I took a quick cold shower. I wrapped a towel around me and went to my drawer to get my underwear and clothes. Carly came into my room. I then rushed near and told her 'What happened, what happened?!' Then she told me 'Damon is very pissed', she then continued saying 'Well when you texted me saying that you found Luke and you were going to stay with him, i got a drink and stayed by the pool. Then a  guy that looked exactly the same as Luke came sitting next to me. And then he told me that him and Luke are twins. His name is Joe. We talked for a while and then we got some drinks and came a bit tipsy and went dancing and then we found you and Luke, and you too came talking too us. You were so wasted! We then stayed together. After a while you told me to come with you to the bathroom and you began rambling that you had ended having sex with Luke, on the roof. And during it, Damon walks in on you too with Luke's sister christa. He looked so sad and angry and jelous that he then grabbed christa and began kissing her in front of you...Your parents went back home at 1am but me,you, and Damon got home at 4am cause after the party we went to a club.' 'Oh my god!..Realy??' I told her. She nodded. 

I was shocked. I cant believe that happened last night! I then got dressed. I wore a baggy shirt and some sweat pants and uggs. Did my hair in a messy bun and did a little bit of eyeliner.. I then went downstairs to eat some pancakes cause i was starving. As i went downstairs, i found Damon and Christa sitting on the sofa playing video games. 'When he saw me, he had a wiked smile on his face, then he yelled 'awh you beated me again!, ur so good at this games gurl' and then he kissed christa on her cheek. He was so trying to make me jelous. And me, for the first time i wasnt jelous. I was about to go in the kicthen, but i heard Damon sayin 'ooh hey Jade, our parents went to stay at our grandma's place for a few days cause she isint feeling well' I then looked at him but said nothin and continued my way to the kitchen. Their i found Carly sitting around the table with a smile on her face. 'Joe just texted me. He wants us to hang out with him and Luke tonight, you in?' I got excited and i nodded. I put some pancakes on a plate and poures some strawberry syrup on them and took a glass of orange juice. Then i told Carly 'What time are we gonna meet up?' '7' She said. 'They are gonna pick us up'

I then ate and went upstairs in my room, carly came with me. We got on my bed watchin our favourite series called 90210 ! Time passed by and it was already 6pm. So we began to get ready. I wore some black ripped leggings, a long white short sleeved shirt with a skull on it and a leather jacket and i wore my favourite studded boots.I strightened my bangs and let my hair naturally down. I did my cat eye and some blush. I sprayed my playboy perfume and i was ready. Carly was ready too. She wore blu jeans, a red flowy shirt and a black jacket and her black converse. And her hair was side braided. And she had a bit of makeup on. It was 6:45pm. I then got a text from Sally. She told me 'hey Jade, tomorrow is christmas eve, wanna come with me for some late christmas shoppin? tell Carly too.' I told carly and she obviously didnt say no for shopping so i texted her back telling her to come at my house at 9am. We had 15mins left until we go out, so we continued watching 90210. But 7pm had passed and they havent shown up yet so Carly texted Joe, as that I didnt have Luke's number. But joe didnt answer. 30minutes had past.

I had a bad feeling. I thought that something bad happened..After a while Carly got a text from Joe that said 'hello, this is joe's phone but  this isnt Joe texting you. Im doctor wilson from the hospital rosewood. Joe has been in a car crash. You can come and see him.' Carly was so worried! And i was too! We rushed downstairs. But we had to tell Damon to drive us cause my car was still on the way. As we told Damon he began to worry to, and christa too. We all got in the care and got to the hospital. The doctors didnt let us go and see them cause they were during an operation. So we stayed in the waiting room. After 2hrs of waiting the doctor came near us and told us 'Im afraid i have bad news. Joe didnt make it. He died a few minutes ago.' Carly began to cry, even tough she didnt know him she still cared. Christa began to sobbing too. I then told the doctor 'what about Luke, is he still alive?' 'Luke? I dont know who you are talking about cause Joe was alone during the car crash. But i do know that i boy came in hospital collapsed a few hours ago.' 'Whats his surname' Christa told the doctor. 'Luke clark' He told her. We all looked at christa cause we didnt know know luke's surname and she then said 'yep thats him, why was he brought in hospital?' 'Apperently he was overdosed. But dont worry we cleared him and he is gonna be alright. You can go in and see him' he told us and went away. 

We rushed in the room where luke was. There were 2 police officers in his room. But as we went in they rushed out. He stared at him with expresions on our face like 'why were they here' He then told us 'Apperently i have to go for 3 months rehab cause they think i have a 'drug problem', then christa told him. 'You do have  drug problem!' 'Then i told him 'When are you letting you out of hospital?' 'First thing in the morning but as i go out out im going to rehab so i guess im spending christmas with a bunch of drug addicts.' He said. After a few hours we headed home. Christa went at her home and we headed to our. Carly went to her room cause she wanted some alone time.  I changed to my pjs and stayed on the sofa watching christmas movies and eating some caramel covered popcorn. After a few minutes Damon came sittiing near me. But didnt say anything and neither did i. He then grabbed my hand and kissed it and said 'im sorry, i was trying to make you jelous but i guess you won.' I then grabbed his face and kissed him passionatley, he kissed me back. 'Im sorry too, i was trying to forget that we broke up but i guess it didnt work out as i hoped it would. Damon i loved you from the second i first so you, and i still love you and i will love you till i die!' I told him. 'He then kissed me and said 'Me too babe, me too' We then stayed cuddled on the sofa watchin movies.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Heyy guys sry for the long update but i've been busy lately. I hope you like it. Please vote comment and follow. Thanks xxx

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