Sally's Good News

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Jade's P.O.V

Carly had just told me, that her mother had just died. I was in shock and i was so sorry for her. She began to cry. She then said 'My dad told me that we are leaving town forever cause he had found a job in New Jersey. I dont want to go. Jade i know this is alot to ask but, can i live with you?' 'Sure' i told her altough i wanted her to live with us, but the problem was that i hadnt told her that Damon is my twim brother and that he is living with me and my mum for a week but i couldnt say no to my bestfriend and i didnt want her to leave town for forever. 'Ooh thankyou so much, i owe you big time' she said. 'So how long are they keeping you in hospital?' i asked her. '3days' she said. I was glad and i knew Damon was happy to cause he had a smile on his face. 3 days alone with him is gonna be great! 'So are you okay about losing your baby?' Damon told Carly. 'Yeah i guess i am. I mean the father of the baby wasnt gonna take care of her and i dont know nor wanna be a mother at age 16.' Carly said. 'Her?' I said. 'Huh?' she said. Then Damon told her 'When you were talking about the baby, you said her. How did u know it was gonna be a girl?" 'Ohh.. the doctors told me. They said i was about 3-4weeks pregnant so they could see whats the gender of the baby.' Carly told us. 'You can go if you wanna, im a bit sleepy' she continued. 'Okay have some sleep then, ttyl' i told her and we left.

Damon's P.O.V

Carly was going to stay in hospital for 3 more days! Im so happy cause now me and Jade have 3 days home alone since our parents went on vacation. It was 12 of the afternoon and me and Jade went to Mc Dolands to grab a bite to eat. Later we headed home. 'So what should we do tonight?' Jade told me in a dirty tone. 'You tell me' i told her winking at her. She then grabbed my face and began kissing me roughly, she jumped on me and she put her legs around my waist. I kissed her back hard. I pushed her against a wall and i took her shirt off and she did the same to me. I was about to take off her bra when we heared the lock of the door opens. We quickly wore our shirts back on and we went to see who it was. Then we see hyper Sally screaming with a huge smile on her face. It was Jade's friend. 'Dont know how to knock?' Jade told sally. ' Sorry, you once gave me a key of your house so i would come in if something happens' sally said shouting. 'okay calm down. So what happend??' Jade told her. 'Mario porposed to me yesterday! Im enaged! We are going to get married after graduation!' Sally said.


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