Crushing on Fabulous!

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Sir?" He carefully avoided looking to the side where Arm was standing openly listening in on their conversation.

"As you have the highest grade in this class, are familiar with everything, and personable, could you help familiarize Arm with what we have covered and explain the usual duties of our T.A.? I'm afraid I have a previous appointment so don't have the time. In fact, if I don't leave in the next two minutes, I will be late." Barely looking at Toota, the professor haphazardly shoved everything into his bag and closed it up. He gave a wave over his shoulder as he practically ran out the door, not waiting for a reply. "Thank you so much, Toota."

"Hi, Baby. I've missed you." Arm stepped closer and reached out for Toota's hand.

Toota deftly side stepped the hand and went back to grab his bag off the desk. Coming back, he pulled out a thick folder that he used to keep all the notes and handouts from the class in and shoved it in Arm's dangling hand.

"This is everything we've covered so far in class. I'll let you borrow it to catch up. As for your duties, you really should talk to the professor. I don't know why he insisted that I explain them to you. It's not like I've ever been a damn T.A. but whatever. The best I can tell you is that the previous T.A. would assist the professor during lessons, making sure everything was in order to run the class smoothly. He also had a set of open hours during the day when kids could ask for help. I never asked for help so I have no idea how that all worked or what the hours were. I wish you luck." Slinging his bag over his arm, Toota spun on his heel to walk away but was stopped by a hand on his sleeve.

"When can we meet up so I can give you the folder back?" Arm's charming smile gave Toota a weird twisting feeling in the pit of his stomach, like he was going to throw up any second. The hand slid down from Toota's elbow and wrapped around his wrist where the pad of Arm's thumb gently rubbed circles on Toota's pulse point. "Maybe dinner tomorrow night? My treat to repay you for all the help."

"You don't have to repay me." The twisting feeling deepened and Toota gasped for breath, jerking out of the other man's grasp. Uncomfortable with the odd sensations, Toota refused to look up at Arm, focusing instead on one of the buttons on his shirt. "I don't need my notes right away so you can return them at the next class."

"Okay, not as a repayment, then how about as a date?" Undeterred by Toota's attitude, Arm stepped closer and leaned in enough that Toota caught a whiff of musky cologne that sent his head spinning. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since our night together, but you never gave me your number or even a last name so I didn't know how to contact you. Imagine my surprise when I saw you walking around this faculty. I thought my heart would burst. Did you like the presents I sent you?"

"That was you?!" At Arm's nod, Toota blew out an exasperated breath. "You freaked the hell out of me. I thought I had some crazed stalker and almost asked Knott to be my bodyguard! Next time you want to court someone as fabulous as me, make sure you sign your name and the gifts better be mindblowing."

"I'm sorry, Honey Baby. I'll do better, I promise." Arm tapped Toota on the nose with his finger while grinning. "Now, how about that date?"

"I'm not available and I have to go. Don't forget to return my folder at the next class."

"Not available? Who are you dating?" Arm's voice deepened and he gave Toota a very possessive look. "Is it that Knott guy you mentioned?"

"It really isn't your fucking business if I am dating and I don't appreciate your tone.  All we had was a one night stand.  One and done, got it?"  Toota raised his brow and glared at Arm.  This guy may give him butterflies and make him feel off balance but no one questioned him like that.

"Come on Sugar Bear don't be like that." Once again ignoring Toota's personal space Arm leaned in so close that his lips brushed Toota's ear making him shiver as he whispered, "I know you feel this connection that we have.  Why are you fighting it?"

Toota closed his eyes for a second scolding his body for reacting to this infuriating man.  Dammit if he wasn't correct, he did feel something for him, had since he snuck out of the man's apartment.  Toota wasn't ready to face those feelings quite yet.

"Het Toota, are you ready?  I don't have all day to wait for you," Earn yelled walking into the classroom stopping abruptly when he saw Toota so close to another man.

Toota had never been so grateful to see his slave.  "Earn sweetie, come here please."

Earn stepped up to the two men and did a double take when he recognized Arm.

"Earn this is Arm, Arm this is my boyfriend, Earn," Toota announced putting his around Earn and giving him a kiss on his cheek.

"But I..." Earn stuttered but was cut off by Arm giving him a look.

"Nice to meet you Earn.  You have a great boyfriend, I hope you treat him well."

Earn didn't know what the hell was going on but he stayed silent. 

"We have to go now, I'll see you in class," Toota grabbed Earn's hand and they left Arm standing there smiling at them.

Earn tore his hand out of Toota's and turned on him in a fit of anger, "What the hell are you up to?"

"Simmer down, hot stuff.  I just needed him to see I have a boyfriend.  It was for today only."

"Toota.  I know Arm!  He was a teacher back at my high school.  He knows I'm dating Pete," Earn said aggravated at his master.

Toota just shrugged.  "You and Pete could have broken up."

"Toot, listen carefully.  My friend Ohm is dating Arm's cousin Mick.  He knows I haven't broken up with Pete."

That gave Toota pause, "Fuck, Earn.  You should have said something!"

Earn looked at Toota like he was crazy.  "Are you saying this is my fault?"

"Of course, you're my slave.  Everything is your fault.  Now go find me a fake boyfriend!"



Raise your hand if you are surprised by Toota's secret admirer! I love Toota and he deserves a good, sweet hottie of his own. Maybe one that can also be a jealous, possessive bastard! After some deliberation Arm came to mind. I love the actor, Premanan Sripanich or Fifa, and thought his character from Love Sick would compliment Toota well. For those who can't remember below is a visual, isn't he a cutie! Toota may not think he wants anyone special in his life right now, but I don't think Arm is going to give him much choice! As always lovelies, thank you so much you all are amazing! Stay tuned for more SH fun coming at you on Tuesday.....

Lots of Love,

EL ❤️

EL ❤️

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