The Kissing Booth

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The line to the kissing booth was a block long. Women and men couldn't wait to get a kiss from a brother or sister from SOTUS House. Working the booth at the moment was Kyle and Serenity but it was time for the next shift. As Jae approached to fill his slot he found Lily sitting at a small table handing blindfolds out to the people in line.

"Don't look in his eyes. I know he looks all cute and kittenish but he's got this weird power. With just a look, you spill every secret you know. Don't look into his eyes! He has secret Ninja powers, I'm telling you! If you must kiss him, here take this. Don't say I didn't warn you!" Lily warned while handing over blindfold after blindfold.

"Lily... Sweet Lily, what are you doing? Why are my customers wearing blindfolds?"

"Um... it's totally not because you will hypnotize them with a single look. Did you know that Kim is planning to spider monkey you so she can kiss you on the lips?"

"Oh really?" Jae

"Damn it! It's happening again! Minion sisters, I need help!!!"

"Lily, honey, what are you doing?"

Lily jumped up and into her mans arms. "Fifth! I'm just trying to save these unsuspecting people from the Prince of Evil."

Fifth tried not to laugh but failed. "That was good of you Lilykins but why don't we head over to the chili booth?"

Lily pouted but nodded in agreement. "Be nice PoE! Or I'm telling Aim." Lily shouted as Fifth carried her away.

"See you later sweet Lily."

Jae headed inside the booth and exchanged pleasantries with Kyle as they traded places. "I didn't realize how exhausting giving kisses out would be. I'm going to go get some of your chili now that my time is up."

"I think this batch might be the best I have ever made."

Kyle rubbed his belly in excitement. "Awesome. I'll see you later."

As Jae got comfortable he heard a huge commotion outside and resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he saw his not so happy boyfriend barge into his area.

Aim held up a wad of tickets and took the seat across from him.

"Did you buy up all my tickets, babe?" Jae really wasn't surprised but Aim just dropped a nice amount of cash.

When Aim blushed from the tips of his ears all the way down to his collarbone Jae had his answer.

"You really didn't have to do that."

Aim's eyes lit up in anger and he pointed his finger at his all too handsome, smirking former slave. "You want to kiss random people who are not me that bad? Fine, I'll hand out your tickets. See if I ever let you kiss me again. I'm calling Noona. Better yet I'm finding your mom!"

Jae stopped Aim from leaving in a huff by grabbing his wrist, making him sit his ass back down.

"Are you going to threaten me with my sister or mother every time we have a disagreement?"

Instead of answering Aim stuck out his bottom lip.

"Aim I don't want to kiss anyone else but you. You need to trust me in order for our relationship to work? You can't keep tattling on me."

"I do trust you! It's everyone else I don't trust. You need to stop being so damn sexy. I promise not to call your sister to tattle," Aim said sheepishly.

"You call my Noona just to talk?"

Aim shrugged. "Yeah. She is fun to talk to and I like her stories."

Jae groaned and muttered under his breath, "I need to have a talk with that woman."

"Are you mad?" Aim asked worriedly.

"No sweet stuff. You're not the one I'm annoyed with. I'll deal with that later. We have a lot of tickets to get through. Did you put your chapstick on?" Jae teased.

Aim stuck his hand in his pocket bringing out his favorite brand. Adding a thin layer to his kissable lips he nodded that he was ready.

"Close your eyes," Jae whispered and Aim complied sitting in anticipation. When he felt something hard and cold brush up against his lips he was taken aback. As the strong smell of chocolate hit his nose he glanced down to see Jae holding a Hershey Kiss up to his mouth. As he went to say something Jae slipped the candy confection into his mouth.

"One kiss down over fifty to go," Jae said with a sparkle in his eye.

"You mean to tell me this is the "kiss" everyone is getting?" Aim couldn't believe it.

"Since most of us who are signed up have significant others we thought Hershey Kisses would be the best route. I told you that you could trust me."

Aim leaned in and surprised Jae with a kiss. "You did, and I do. This is brilliant." Aim praised leaning back into the chair.

"Now since you bought me for the next half hour do you want more of this..." Jae held up the candy kisses, "Or more of this." He gave Aim a peck on the lips.

Wrapping his arms around Jae's neck he whispered close to his ear. "Do you even have to ask?"

No, he didn't but it was always polite to ask.



So who was surprised by the Hershey Kisses?  I think I had mentioned this to my cutie pie last summer.  It's hard to believe that it took me about a year to get to finally write it.  I think it turned out pretty damn cute.

Next up the dunking booth.  I have another surprise up my sleeve!  Until next time...Happy Reading my lovelies.



Sotus House (Sotus-Love Sick Crossover AU Fan Fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum