Double, double, toil, and trouble - a Halloween with the double troubles

Start from the beginning

Liam stood there, holding the bloody butcher knife standing over the body. Then he walked away.

I heard some girl yell, "Someone checks him!" That was Liz.

Some guy walked over and kicked him, but he didn't move. Then he crouched, checking for a pulse when JJ opened his eyes and grabbing the guy, making the guy scream. Then we heard JJ say, "Ew, he pissed his pants."

JJ stood up, and the lights went back on as Liam came out and pulled off the Michael Myers mask, as did the rest of us. The guy took off quickly.

"Damn, never affected someone before," Liam said as everyone laughed.

"I hope you all enjoyed the show! Now let's party," Junior yelled.

I danced with Scarlett, and eventually, we went to the table to drink and eat something.

"Damn, Scarlett, Princess Leia has nothing on you," Elijah said as he grabbed something to eat.

"Well, good thing I made Matt dress as Han Solo, or this would be so odd," she smirked.

"Right on. Excuse me, I will get back to my date," Elijah said as he went back to Davina.

"So, what do you think your first Halloween with us?" I asked her.

"None of you disappoint. I can imagine what the rest of the holidays are like with your family," Scarlett mentioned.

"Well, Halloween is the main one, then Christmas and Valentine's Day and Prank day," I said to her.

"What's prank day?" Scarlett asked.

"It's a day devoted strictly to pranks. No one is safe that day," I answered.

"So, who wins this so-called prank day?" She asked me.

"Who else? My dad," Junior said, grabbing something to eat.

"How so?" Scarlett questioned.

"Well, since he officially declared the day prank day, he wins. I mean, this is the guy that snuck three hundred coconut cream pies into school his school year," Junior said in between bites.

"And helped with our senior prank," Drew said, walking up with Liz to grab something to eat.

"Oh, my god, that was you guys? That was awesome," Scarlett laughed.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I will dance with my Princess Leia," I said, taking Scarlett's hand and leading her onto the dance floor.

We danced for a while, then went back to the house. Scarlett stayed the night so we could finish the night off with horror films. She changed out of her costume, even though I would prefer her to keep it on. Scarlett borrowed a pair of sweats and a tee-shirt from me to wear. God, I loved how my clothes looked on her.

She crawled into bed, and we popped on a movie, then snuggled up together. She had her back to me as I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close to me. As she watched the movie, I was more preoccupied with other things like her neck and started kissing it, making my way to her earlobe. She let out a small moan, which turned me on even more.

Then I moved her face with my finger, placing a kiss on her lips as she wrapped her hands around the back of my head. I opened my mouth slightly, letting my tongue slide pass my lips, wanting access to her mouth, and she accepted. Our kissing intensified and I moved my hand down her body, it was between her legs. She moaned against my lips.

I wasn't sure how far she wanted to go, and I didn't want to take it further until she was ready. I moved my hand up and under the sweatpants and her panties. Then I felt her sweet spot. She was so wet, and her body was responding to my touch that I gently rubbed her as she moaned again.

Then, taking a chance, I pushed two fingers inside of her. As I kept kissing her, I thrust my fingers in and out of her. She moved her body with them. Damn, she was tight.

Before I knew it, she let out a groan, grabbing my hair. I slowly removed my hand from her, and she let go of my hair. Looking at her in that state of euphoria made me smile. Knowing I pleasured her like that was such a turn on to me.

Scarlett opened her eyes and grinned, "Wow. If I would have known wearing that costume would lead to this, I would have worn it much sooner."

"So, you're okay with what I just did," I said, giving her a look.

"More than okay. I wondered what took you so long?" Scarlett questioned me.

Damn, this girl is something else.

"Can I ask you a question?" I said to her, not knowing how to approach it.

I sat up and ran my hand through my hair, trying to figure out how I wanted to ask without offending her.

Scarlett sat up and looked at me, "What?"

"When I was exploring down there, I noticed you were a little tight and." I couldn't even finish what I wanted to say. I felt like a jerk for also bringing it up.

"And you wanted to know if I had ever had sex?" She said, finishing my thought.

"I mean, you don't have to tell me," I assured Scarlett.

She stopped me, "Relax Matt, and to answer your question, no, I haven't."

"Not even with Micha?" I asked curiously.

"God, no. Micha tried several times, but that's all I felt he wanted from me, and I wasn't ready. The most I would let him do is kiss me. Then I found out what a tool he was and was so glad we didn't," Scarlett told me.

"So, what we did was the first time that you ever let someone touch you down there?" I asked inquisitively.

"Well, yeah," she said a matter-of-fact.

Great, now I felt like an asshole. I paced the room back and forth, and Scarlett got up from the bed and walked over to me. Scarlett put her hands on mine and looked into my eyes, "Matt, it's okay. I wouldn't let someone who I don't love, touch me like that, or anything for that fact."

I stopped and looked at Scarlett, "Did you just say you love me?"

She let go of my hands, "What? Psh, no."

I crossed my arms and leaned down to her, "You said if you didn't love someone, you wouldn't let them touch you like that. So, you're telling me that you love me."

She walked away, throwing her arms up in the air, "You're crazy! I think you need your hearing checked, because, um, I did so not say that I love you," she huffed.

I stood there and listened to her ramble about how I heard things and whatnot.

"So, I guess it doesn't matter that I love you then," I said with a shrugged. Scarlett stopped in her tracks and pivot to face me.

"What?" Scarlett yelled.

"Well, I mean, it shouldn't matter that I love you since I hear things," I said.

Scarlett ran over and jumping on me, knocking me down with a thud. "You love me?"

I looked at her and moved a strand of hair behind her ear, "Yes, baby, I love you."

"I love you too, Matty," Scarlett said.

I gave her a look, and she said, "Shit! You hate that nickname, and I ruined the moment, didn't I?"

"You know what, you're the only one I'll allow to call me that, only because I love you that much," I smiled at her, and she returns it.

She smashed her lips onto mine, and I pulled her to me, deepening the kiss.

"They grow up so fast," Elijah sniffled.

"Matty isn't our little boy anymore," Drew added, sniffling.

I looked at Scarlett, "Excuse me; I need to beat some ass now."

She got off me, and I got up chasing after those two idiots. Scarlett walked over to Junior, "Is it always like this?"

Junior put his arm around her neck, "Welcome to the family, Scar. Let me give you some pointers on my idiot cousins."

They walked downstairs as Junior gave her advice.

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