Scarlett meet the Hellions

Start from the beginning

"I didn't know," Junior said. "Mack?"

She sighed, "No one did. Nik finally came out to us and was planning on telling Mom and Dad, but didn't get a chance before we got suspended and shipped off to you. Kids at school found out and wouldn't let up."

"What about the double trouble twins and RJ?" Junior asked.

"They don't know. Nik wanted to tell them when he was ready. All they knew is what we told them. Junior, you need to talk to him. He's terrified, and it worries Austin and me," she begged him.

"What do I even say to him?" Junior asked.

"Why not be a big brother and support him?" Scarlett asked Junior. "Look, I know it's a shock, but he feels alone, and other kids being mean doesn't help him."

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I will love Nik no matter what but it surprises me," Junior said.

"I think I have a suggestion to your little dilemma," Scarlett smiled. We all looked at her as she made a call. Then she hung up, "Go talk to your brother because I have someone coming to help."

Junior nodded and walked upstairs.

Mack looked at us, "Anyone got any food?"

Junior knocked on the door, "Austin, can I talk to Nik alone for a moment?"

"Yeah, sure," Austin said, getting up and leaving.

Junior took a seat next to Nik on the bed.

"You probably think I'm a crybaby," Nik said, wiping his face.

Junior put his arm around Nik's shoulder, "No, I think you're having a rough time of it. So, care to explain to me?"

"I knew something felt different when the other guys were talking about girls, and I didn't think about them that way. I didn't understand why, but I didn't feel attracted to any girl. Then one day, I was hanging out with this guy, and we became friends. The more we hung out, the more I felt this attraction to him. I tried to deny it until one day he kissed me. The kiss surprised me, but I gave in and kissed him back. I wanted to explore it a little more to make sure and realized I like guys. Then someone at school found out and started making comments. Austin and Mack took exception, and we all fought, but eventually, I had to tell them the truth. They were understanding about it and promise not to say anything until I did. Junior, they've been protecting my secret and risking getting suspended," Nik explained.

"When did you realize you were gay?" Junior asked Nik.

"The middle of freshmen year," Nik said, shifting his eyes downward.

"Oh, boy," Junior sighed.

There was silence for a minute, then Junior looked at him, "Look, Nik, I don't know what to say to help you."

"Maybe you don't, but I can," a voice said, coming from the doorway. Junior and Nik both looked up at the guy leaning next to the door frame.

"Who are you?" Junior asked.

"Leo Monroe, Scarlett's older brother, well, gay older brother," Leo grinned.

Junior and Nik looked at each other, and Junior waved Leo into the room. They all talked. Leo explained that his coming out and how his family supported him, but he explained every family was different. He told them everything he went through in school and how it led him to almost committing suicide, but it took his family's love and support and a lot of counseling to understand there was nothing wrong with being gay. Leo was happy with his decision and said if I didn't take, he would do "hit" that, making the two of them chuckle.

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