121. Fugitives// Dylan

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Dylan, Thomas, Will, Kaya and I were at an interview and we decided to play Fugitives. Apparently, neither Thomas nor Will has played and what made me laugh was Dylan's answer.

"Dylan, have you ever played?" The very young, teenage-like host asked him.

"Yeah," He answered directly with a straight, serious face.

"Really?" The host I still didn't know the name of, but I think I heard the name Cody, questioned.

"No." Dylan laughed as I let out a little giggle. Dylan leaned down and pressed his lips against my cheek.

So, what was going to happen is that Cody and Kaya would find either Dylan, Will, Thomas or I and they'd have to chase us. If they catch us, we're out. Dylan, Thomas, Will and I all went to a big room filled with black and lighting and set equipment.

We waited for Cody and Kaya to show up and start the game as the three guys made up some random conversation.

I stood next to Dylan, nervous and scared of what might happen. Everytime I run for a certain amount of time, I run out of breathe and I get really tired and sweaty, so I was afraid of what might happen during this game.

"Hey, you okay, princess?" My head shot towards the voice, Dylan's voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why'd you ask?" I questioned nervously.

"You just seem really nervous. You're never nervous." He admitted with his hand on the small of my back.

"Well, um... you know how I get when I run right? Like I run out of breath really fast and I get really tired and sweaty quickly." I tell him. He nods his head, showing me that he knows and understands.

"I'm just afraid that something might happen. I mean, I remember one time when I actually passed out and even got really sick. So, I'm just worried that something like that will happen again." I told him.

"(Y/N), everything's going to be okay. I'll check on you when I can and after the game, we'll go home and take of whatever you need. I love you and I would never let anything happen to you." Dylan confessed. He set his hands on my waist and kissed my forehead. I put a smile on my face, trusting Dylan.

"Thanks, Dyl. I love you, too." He smiles back at me.

Next thing we know, we heard a yell come from Thomas beside us, followed by Will not a second later. Dylan turned around and I looked over his shoulder as we see Cody and Kaya running out of nowhere towards us.

I let out a small screech mixed with a giggle as Dylan laughed a bit, taking my hand in his as we run before we could get caught even in the first few seconds of the game.

Almost 5 minutes into the game, somehow, Dylan and I got split up. He was too fast for me. He ran off, our hands releasing, as we run in separate directions and I run to what I believe is a part of a movie set. Almost looked like some kind of cafe.

Anyways, I ran in and saw Thomas hiding behind the counter. Then, I saw Cody running in, so I kept running out another door.

Thomas had started running, but before he could get far, he got caught by Cody and now he's out.

It was almost 10 minutes into the game and Will had gotten caught by Kaya. I believe Dylan was still in, and, surprisingly, I was, too.

I ran and ran and I could feel my lungs burning in my body. I needed to find a place to hide, to calm myself down and regain my breath back.

I ran through the halls through small crowds of people who work at this place, and sometimes, I swear I could have seen Kaya or Cody, but my eyesight was getting too blurry to be sure.

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