34. First Acting Gig// Dylan

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It was my first day on set. I was one of the main characters in a new series called American Assassin, directed by Michael Cuesta, and I was pretty nervous. I have never acted before and I knew I wanted to awhile back. This is my first gig and I didn't know what was gonna happen or how I was going to do.

But, one of my co-stars, the main character of the movie, happened to be Dylan O'Brien, and he made me feel comforted, a little less nervous. He told me that if I ever needed anything to just call him. And I secretly had a little crush on him and there was just something about the way he looked at me.

I was playing the second main character in the movie and that meant I'd be spending a lot of time with Dylan. I was standing on set waiting for everything to be ready. My palms were sweaty and I didn't know if I could do this. I nailed the auditions but I wasn't even sure that I'd make it.

I was standing by the camera, biting my nails in nervousness. "You nervous?" A familiar voice said. I looked to my left and Dylan had walked up to me. "Yeah... a little, I guess." I told him. "Well, there's nothing to be nervous about. Just be yourself and you'll be okay." He assured me and I believed him.

A few minutes before the director called us to start, "Hey, are you okay?" Dylan asked. "I don't know. Why? Do I not look okay?" I started to panic a bit. "No, you just look a little pale and sick-like." Dylan mentioned as he turned towards me. I closed my eyes as I felt like I was going to pass out. I started to drift to the side, beginning to fall. Dylan set his hands on my waist, catching me. "Whoa. Hey, you okay there?" He asked me with concern in his eyes. "Yeah, I think so. I don't know what's wrong with me." I said as I set my hand on my stomach, feeling something. "Are you okay to do the movie?" He asked, his hands still holding me up by my waist. "Yeah, I'm fine." I told him, and we walked to where our first scene was.

* * *

The first few days and scenes had gone great. Dylan had said I was awesome and that he loved working with me. The director even said that I had to move into Dylan's trailer with him because they needed my trailer for someone else. I was fine with it, and I think Dylan liked the idea of me living with him. And I've gotten more confident and less nervous each scene we shoot, so that's great.

We were back on set on our 6th day of shooting. I wasn't feeling to great, and Dylan had noticed. He had suggested that I should take a break from shooting and rest, but I told him that I was fine.

We were standing in the area of our next scene, about to start and this scene, I have been looking forward to for a while. Let's just say that kissing Dylan would be part of the scene.

"You okay?" Dylan made sure. I nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm good."

The two of us stood in front of each other, about to shoot the kissing scene.

"And, ACTION!" The director shouted, and I began saying my first line of the scene.

"Why, Mitch? Why did you save me?" I asked. "I saved you because I love you." He said. "And I wouldn't waste a second not saving you." He added, setting his hand on my cheek. "Mitch, I-I love you, too." I admitted.

Just as Dylan was about to lean down and kiss me, I began to feel light headed. I closed my eyes and I collapsed to the ground. "(Y/N)!" Dylan yelled as him, Michael and one of the other co-stars ran to me. "Call 911!" Dylan yelled looking at me. "(Y/N), (Y/N), can you hear me?" My eyes fluttered open and closed, everything going blurry, and I could just barely see Dylan. I felt someone pick me up as everything went black.  

* * *

Guys I can't tell you how excited I am to see American Assassin. There's a second part of this imagine and I hope you guys like it

~ Katie

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