Isn't a dark alley supposed to be scary?

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Truth or Dare?

Isn’t a dark alley supposed to be scary?


I was walking down a dark alley because well simply I was bored and it could never hurt to make a deal.  I herd male voices up ahead- Jackpot- it was time to have some fun.

“Hey babe come over here” One of the creeps said. I kept walking as if I didn’t hear them but they would stop so I just pulled my gun out of my waistband of my jeans not thinking once much less twice about the guy that I just shot.

“Now boys, let that be a lesson to you.” They nodded slowly and as soon as I walked off then sped off. I silently laughed to my self.

Once I got home I easily found my brother sitting on the couch watching the news.

“Oh good your home! Can you make something to eat?” Sean said obviously not wanting to get up from the couch.

“Sure” I said smirking I walked into the kitchen and quickly made myself some ramen noodles and then walking back out and sitting on the couch next to Sean.

“Where’s my food?” He complained and I just smiled innocently.

“Wait you wanted food? Because you asked if I could make something to eat and I can.”

“You little-“ I cut him of f, slapping his leg because the news was talking about some guy that looked vaguely familiar, OMG that was the guy I shot. “What you know the guy?”

“Naw, I just shot him tonight”

“Well ok then.” He said looking back at the TV. Some lady with way to much eye shadow was talking about how he was murdered; I just rolled my eyes because all I had done was shot the guy.  “Dang you really hated this guy huh?”

“What no I had never met him”

“Wow well he had three kids and a wife.”

“Well it’s his fault for messing with me”

Sean laughed “And how did he ‘mess with you’?”

“F*ck you”

Sean laughed even more “That’s what I thought you just wanted to kill a guy”

“No! I was in a dark alley, and when guys are calling you ‘babe’ you have every right to shoot them.”

Sean rolled his eyes and continued laughing “And I always wondered why you were single.” For that I punched him in the face.  And no I don’t have anger issues.

“Hello!” Spencer’s way to cheery voice came from the hall.

“In here Spence” I yelled. As soon as he walked in and saw Sean clutching is cheek in pain he looked at me.

“Step….what did you do this time?”

“He made fun of me for being single.” I said shrugging my shoulders like it was no big deal because it wasn’t.

“No not that, that.” He said pointing to the TV where they were still talking about that guy that I killed.

“How’d you know it was me?”

“Please when you shoot someone you never leave any tracks, you take the bullet out of the body.”  Damn he was right; I have to find a different approach to killing.

“Yea no traces of me.” He laughed and went and got ice for Sean.


That’s sort of an awkward place to stop. Anyways I uploaded so yay.

Kinda short but I posted something.

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