Even though Bonnie didn't have the necklace anymore, Emily was still worried about what Damon would do. Thinking of a plan, Emily pulled her cell phone from her red purse and texted Stefan to meet her at the Gilbert house. Emily hoped he would answer since he has been avoiding the two Gilbert girls.

Once they made it to the Gilbert house, Bonnie and Emily began looking for movies to watch as Elena was placing blankets on the couch. But suddenly the front door rang, causing Emily to quickly tell Bonnie, "we'll be right back," before grabbing Elena's hand and made their way to the door. "Thank you for coming," Emily told Stefan before walking out onto the porch with her sister.

"What's wrong?" Stefan questioned as he looked at the older sister.

Emily folded her arms over her chest and stated seriously, "Damon threatened Bonnie."

"What would Damon want with Bonnie?" Stefan questioned in confusion.

"She has this necklace," Elena began from beside her sister, "Caroline got it from Damon, and she gave it to Bonnie, and now Damon wants it back. He's tormenting her."

"Over a necklace?" Stefan questioned once again, confused over what his brother wanted with Bonnie.

Emily shook her head, "it's not just a normal necklace. It belonged to Bonnie's ancestor, from back in the Civil War days."

Elena looked at Stefan in shock as she realized, "when you and Damon lived here."

Stefan nodded his head as he began to explain, "her name was Emily. She was Katherine's handmaiden, and a witch."

"So you know Bonnie is a witch?" Emily questioned Stefan.

"The first night that Elena invited me over for dinner, I made the connection," Stefan explained.

Elena sighed, "and now Damon knows, and for some reason he wants that necklace."

"What does it look like?" Stefan wondered.

Emily thought for a moment and tried to explain the old necklace, "it's an antique iron setting with a -"

But before Emily could continue, Stefan interrupted the older Gilbert, "with an amber crystal." Noticing Emily's confused facial expression, he explained, "I know it. It belonged to Katherine. Emily gave it to her which means..." Stefan trailed off.

When Stefan didn't continue, Elena questioned in confusion, "what?"

Stefan shook his head, "I don't know, but I'm gonna find out." Stefan turned around to walk off the porch when he called out, "let me talk to Damon."

"Do you think Damon will tell you?" Emily questioned.

Stefan sighed, "I'll get it out of him."

Emily had called Caroline to join her, Bonnie, and Elena to sleep over. Caroline needed to makeup with Bonnie anyway, so this way, Emily could help if she needed to. Emily and Caroline were quietly taking the food the blonde had bought from the Grill but Caroline felt eyes on her and saw Elena was looking at her with a meaningful expression.

Caroline sighed and turned towards Bonnie, who was looking down at the kitchen counter. "I'm sorry. There. I said it. If you want the ugly ass necklace, keep it. It's yours," Caroline told Bonnie.

"Oh my God," Emily mumbled after her breath. Caroline sure knew how to apologize to someone. She definitely has no filter whatsoever when she opens her mouth, but at least she apologized. It's a step, a small one, but it's still progress.

Bonnie avoided Caroline's eyes with a guilty expression as she questioned, "will you hate me if I tell you I threw it away?"

"You threw it away?" Caroline huffed in annoyance.

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