A New Fans Guide For The 17/18 Season

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Hello, glory hunter!

Not used to this term? Well, in this oh so "glorious" league, with fans ranging of all skin types, religions, preferences and thoughts, you may as well.

Glory Hunter: Someone who follows a team that is not geographically their own (ex. I live in Chicago but follow Liverpool, though I have Chicago Fire, it's crap.) or have no moral ties with (ex. Had I followed Arsenal because my dad does, I would not be a glory hunter,  just a fan)

Don't get me wrong, just because you live in the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia or wherever, this does not make you automatically a glory hunter! I've heard of people being called glory hunters though they live in England. It just depends on the person that calls you that's definition. The one I gave you is the standard. XD

As a new fan, you must be confused and excited. 

This is a bright eyed team, with mostly young but intelligent players coming off a season that is its best in a few years. But you're also--most likely--young and intelligent if you chose this team. Let me at least be a guide for you so you feel that you belong. Because being a Liverpool fan is being a part of a family, and family helps each other.


This is a newspaper that, nearly 30 years ago, mocked fans that had died going to a football match (96 fans in an event just called Hillsborough, hence the 96 on our backs). They, in as simple of terms as I an tell you, said that the fans got drunk, caused a ruckus and were the reason that 94 people were crushed to death that day (One died 4 days later and another a little over four years later, but needing machines to have survived that long). Then went on to say that the ones that survived were such hooligans and thugs that they pissed all over policemen that were trying to revive their fellow Liverpool fans and also stole from those that died. In this past season, they also made racist comments about Ross Barkley (who is of Nigerian descent). He may be an Everton player, but it shows they haven't changed. Liverpool, Everton and Tranmere Rovers have placed a ban on the overrated birdcage liner. 

2. Our rivals are Everton and Manchester United

Everton are our local rivals, but it's deeper than that. Anfield used to be Everton's ground, but the person that owned Anfield kept driving up the rent, so Everton left and the owner of Anfield made Liverpool after a while of not having a club. So the rivalry is not only local but in business problems too. Manchester United's rivalry with us is stemming from the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. Then it became "who ever is better, the other is pure crap" with even Sir Alex Ferguson saying that the way to get to the top is to "Knock Liverpool off their f*cking perch." Very sophisticated. And he says we're the hooligans. 

3. Always worry about smaller teams

I'm not joking. You may think, "But we're Liverpool! We finished in a CL spot!" You only got that first part right. It's almost Liverpool tradition to lose points to a really bad team. Last season, we lost to Burnley, Crystal Palace, Swansea, Bournemouth, Hull City and Leicester City. None of those teams ended in the top 7. So really, anyone under that, you shouldn't be thinking, "HA! We'll win that 6-0!" Unless all signs point to it. Like, REALLY point to it.

4. Injuries suck

Well, they do for all, but it seems we are on near Arsenal-levels when it comes to injuries (Arsenal is a team known for finishes 4th (4rsenal (not anymore since we screwed that up)) and getting too many injuries (Jack Wilshere)). Don't expect too much from Danny Ings and Danny Sturridge but warm smiles, dancing and a lot of hope. Unless they're sold. I hope they aren't

5. We can score!

This is pretty easy to explain. If we find a well enough grove, we tend to exploit the hell out of it. This is ironically against teams we usually have a major problem with, who will eventually roll over and allow us to beat them into a negative goal difference. And a high negative goal difference at that. And it's always a beautiful thing to see.

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