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"Why did you invite her?" I hiss to Ella
As we prepare the boat to go tubing again.
"Well you guys are getting along better now," she says
"What's the problem?"
"B.S." I nearly yell, throwing a rope over my shoulder.
"You just want us to get back together."
Ella blushes.
"Okay fine, maybe that too.
Is that a problem?"
"Yes, " I say.
"She doesn't like me anymore and I don't like her."
The words sting a little as they leave my lips,
But I ignore it.
Ella stops pulling the tube and stands there,
Hands planted on hips.
"You mean you can look me, your best friend, in the eye and tell me
You no longer have a crush on a girl you dated for five months?"
I stare at the ground.
"That's what I thought," Ella says.
"Now shut up and help me move this tube."

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