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"Maddie," I hear someone yell.
I turn around.
It's Ella, holding a newspaper in her hands.
"I think you should see this," she says, a strange look in her eyes.
She shoves the paper into my hands.
There, in bold type, it says
After school session of a different kind
I freeze.
I force myself to look beyond the title and at the photo
That's worth the entire article.
It's fuzzy
And it takes me a few seconds to figure out what it is.
When I do, I drop the paper and gasp.
It's Adalie and I
In the dance room.

A/n: well here it is. For those of you who didn't get the point through my EDITORS COMMENTING SPOILERS. Just kidding, love you both please don't stop editing my work. Have a nice Friday everyone! :)

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