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"Guess who I ran into," I say as I walk up to Ella.
"Beyoncé," she guesses, not batting an eye as she grabs a container of blueberries.
"Hilarious," I tell her.
"Seriously though, guess."
"Adalie," I say.
Ella doesn't actually look that surprised.
"Oh yeah.
I spoke to her in math once and she mentioned having cousins who live here.
Did you talk to her?"
I nod.
"Did you two kiss and make up?" She asks, a smile coming onto her face.
I glare at her.
"Okay, sorry, bad choice of words.
But you didn't answer the question."
"No," I said.
"It was a little awkward."
"Well, we should invite her to come hang out with us sometime," Ella says.
"No!" I exclaim.
I'm not sure how to explain how I don't want to be around Adalie quite yet.
I'm not sure how to explain the butterflies I get when I see her,
How to explain the way she makes me feel.
I don't want to admit to Ella I'm not over Adalie yet

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