Poems - 166.

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Chapter 166

"We never hang out much together anymore," Adria sighed as she leaned on Peter, a book she wasn't reading resting on her knees as the two sat on the couch in the Gryffindor common room, Peter was almost falling asleep with lack of rest to the point that she forced him to put down the text book he was meaning to study and instead just relax with her, seeing as Sirius had forced her to put down her own book, and well, with the little rest that Peter had gotten he wasn't entirely complaining when Adria suggested that he take a rest.

"I know," Peter sighed, his head resting on Adria's as hers rested on his shoulder, "don't get me wrong, I love looking after Thea, and I will for the rest of my life, but merlin Pregnant woman are tiring."

"Don't let her hear you say that," Adria giggled, shaking her head ever so slightly whilst she felt Peter nod against her, scoffing as he done so.

"Oh I know," he chuckled, running a tired hand through his hair, "merlin she's gorgeous, isn't she?"

"She is," Adria agreed, smiling at the love Peter had for the girl, "she makes pregnancy seem so easy, if she hadn't told me about the morning sickness, or the backache or anything else, I would've thought it was a walk in the park!"

"She doesn't like to complain, but I told her to, she's carrying my child, so I'm going to help her as much as I can, she was studying for newts but I made her take a break, I made sure she was sleeping before I left the dormitory, I don't want her having no rest, neither her or the baby needs that!" Peter sighed, shaking his head.

"What happens if the baby is born early, or born before we finished?" asked Adria, finally turning to face her best friend who was so terribly tired that she wished she could help, he had bags under his eyes, hair messier than usual, his smile was very evidently forced but he barely complained, he never really did, he was quiet when someone asked him, asked if he was tired, or coping, he would answer with a nod and a smile, but she could see right through it, merlin she was his best friend.

"Dumbledore is allowing her to return for newts, says that we shouldn't really be getting taught anymore than what we already know but he's willing to give her specific textsbooks that will help with her exams, we're just hoping it wont come to that," he shrugged, "she'd handle it, though, merlin it's Thea, she could do anything she wanted."

"She's going to be a great mother," Adria smiled softly, reaching for Peter's hand and squeezing it, "and you're going to be a great father."

"Don't know about that," he tutted, a strike of sadness finding his eyes, soon looking away from the girl he could easily call his sister, "Thea's already a mother, y'know, she looks after people, she cares for people, she'll be brilliant at it, but me, no, I'll be the one to drop the poor thing, to forget to change it, to-"

"You have absoloutely no confidence in yourself Peter Pettigrew, and I don't know why!" Adria exclaimed, shaking her head, "you are going to be an excellent father, you are already an excellent friend, an excellent boyfriend, an excellent student, an excellent marauder, and I have no doubts in my life that you will be an excellent parent too.

You don't see what I do, what the boys do, or what anyone does, you do so much for Thea, merlin you levitated a chair for her to get to class, you make sure she's sleeping as much as she should, that she can still study, and that she doesn't hurt as much as she could, you help her get downstairs, you pick out the foods that you know won't make her sick, and the ones you know she craves, you've studied everything there is to know.

You have read how many? Four books on parenthood, and don't think I don't know that because Thea told me, and it's not surprising, you are going to be a bloody brilliant father, and your child is going to be the most badass, stealthiest, hottest, funniest, coolest child that this world has ever seen, and I am so bloody proud of you Peter.

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