Poems - 60.

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Chapter 60

The small echo of Adria's footsteps tapping lightly on the hall didn't block out the odd sound that she could hear faintly close to her. It was irritating, and she wondered desperately where the noise was coming from, and more importantly, what it was.

The sound travelled through the hall as Adria walked down it, and previously she was on route to the library to see her friends, but now her steps where guided by the sound of the noise. It was a student, well that's what Adria assumed, and if she was correct, she was sure that they were crying. The thought sent sadness into Adria's stomach, she didn't want to pry at someone else's life, but if she could hear crying this loud in a random hallway, then she was sure whatever had happened wasn't something good.

She stumbled to a stop when the only thing she could hear was the crying, choked sobs and strangled cries coming from the only place near her, the bathroom. Of course, not just any bathroom, but the bathroom in which moaning myrtle took up residence. The library was far from her now, and she wondered if all of her wondering about was only to come face to face with the crying ghost again but when a voice inside squeaked, "I'm not crying!" she knew for certain that it was not Myrtle.

Softly, Adria pushed open the door to the bathroom, frowning slightly when nothing seemed out of place, but then, in the corner of the large room, leaning against the glass stained window with her head hidden between her hands, was a young girl whose face Adria couldn't see.

"Are you okay?" Adria whispered, shutting the door of the bathroom behind her and inching forward to the girl leaning against the glass, "I could hear you cryi-"

"I'm not crying!" the girl shrieked, lifting her head and allowing the odd colour of vibrant blue hair to fall over her shoulders. Her tear stained face deceived her words as her glare hardened at the sight of Adria, a scowl on her lips and her head shaking furiously, "I don't even know you, why don't you stop being so nosey!"

Adria scoffed, biting her lip as she ignored the girl's words and instead pushed herself forward, sitting down across from the girl who watched her with curious eyes. Adria crossed her arms over her chest, her legs in a basket and her bag containing her life sitting beside her, "sometimes being nosey is a good thing."

"Most of the time it's not," the girl grumbled, her head leaning on the glass, a frown on her face as she waved her arms frantically so that Myrtle would leave her alone.

"Adria, long time no see," Myrtle giggled, Adria didn't know if being on a first name basis with Myrtle was a good or a bad thing. Before her friends came into her life, Adria occasionally roamed the first floor as it offered the best views out of the large windows that offered the window seats. Her first month in Hogwarts, back in first year did she fall victim of pretty nasty homesickness, and would sometimes cry alone - or what she though was alone - in this very bathroom, of course, seeing a young girl crying, helpless excited Myrtle, so much so that she greeted Adria whenever she saw the girl.

"A long time indeed, Myrtle," Adria offered a polite smile to the ghost that swooped past her, her faint laughter filling the bathroom as she took a seat beside Adria, hovering slightly in place as the girl with the blue hair watched her.

"Please don't tell me that you're friends with a ghost," the girl grumbled, shaking her head with a look that Adria recognised very clearly as judgmental.

"Oh no," Myrtle shook her head, "I don't have any friends."

"Does that answer your question?" asked Adria, "y'know I'm not leaving here until you tell me what's wrong, who cares if you don't know who I am, and honestly, I don't know you either but that doesn't mean I'm just going to walk out on you as you cry."

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