Poems - 115.

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[chapter 2/5 that I've uploaded in bulk]

Chapter 115

"Am I good enough, I mean, I haven't practiced much?!" Adria groaned, running a hand over her face as she walked with James, turning to him with a nervous look evident on her features. He sighed as he grabbed her broom from her hands, patting her shoulder comfortingly and with a roll of his eyes, he pushed her.

"Adria, you are brilliant!" James exclaimed, "you don't need to be nervous, Ads, we've been over this, billions of times!"

"Yes, I know, but you're a bit biased, James, being my friend and all!" she huffed, running a frustrated hand through her hair as they stepped into the cold autumn air.

"No, Ads, I just know that you're going to lead us to victory!" he grinned, throwing his arm around her whilst she couldn't help but laugh.

"Funny because we didn't win in fourth year," she muttered, grabbing a hold of James' arm when she nearly slipped on the wet stones on the way down to the quidditch pitch.

"That wasn't your fault, Ads," James rolled his eyes, steadying her as they walked, and evidently supressing his amusement, "if you doubt yourself one more time I'll hide your fudge flies."

"You wouldn't!" she gasped, her head snapping around to look at him whilst a smirk made it clear onto his face.

"Wouldn't I?"

"You are evil, James Potter," she growled, "evil!"

"I am merely being a good friend," James scoffed, handing her, her broom before throwing his arms around her in a tight hug, "you'll do great Ads, I promise."

"Love you, James," she whispered, patting his cheek whilst he smiled, nodding his head.

"Love you too, Addy," he waved goodbye as he made his way over to the team, and soon did Adria wander onto the pitch, ignoring the stares from the Gryffindor's already trying out.

Adria couldn't help but feel a little wary about the new team captain, seeing as the old captain wasn't very fond of Sirius hurting him, she was certain the new captain was very good friends with the boy, even though they were in different years and the previous captain had left.

"Position?" the captain called out rather intimidatingly, he was taking his stance as captain very seriously, and when he looked up to see Adria, she was certain his eyes narrowed.

"Seeker," she tried her best to speak clearly, feigning confidence whilst she gripped her broom, and soon did her eyes trail to the stands, relaxing slightly when she saw her friends taking their seats, wide smiles on their lips as they waved excitedly at her.

She knew what she had to do, being put into the amateur's team wasn't something she was taking lightly but she pushed it to the back of her mind and kicked off into the air. She was determined to prove herself, Quidditch was something she lost when her mother died, and by no means was she blaming the woman for her lack of motivation last year, but she was getting her life back together, and she needed quidditch to help her do that.

She hovered high in the sky, seeing the two teams furiously battling each other down below, and tried her best to seek out the snitch before the current team seeker could. The seeker was skilled, she had attended the occasional game last year to cheer on James and whilst they didn't win the cup, she was still very good.

"Come on, Addy, you can do it!" Sirius screamed, cupping his hands over his lips so that she could hear him, and as cliché as it was, that was the only confidence she needed. She breathed a sigh as she swooped down, feeling the familiar air breeze through her braided hair, she couldn't deny that she missed the feeling of the cold air, the adrenaline running through her as she gripped onto the broom.

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