Poems - 54.

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(A/N I didn't know whether to put Adria's outfit on this chapter or the next, but oh well I put it on this one anyway!)

Chapter 54

Adria's hand reached for the quilt covering her, lifting it over her head as another groan bubbled from her lips, she was frowning as she curled into a ball and the faint sound of Lily was heard in the background as she shrieked, "Adria!" once again.

"Adria Belle Hopkins, it is two in the afternoon, now get up!" Lily's voice boomed as she forcefully pulled the quilt from Adria who once again whined as she turned furiously to look at Lily, clasping her hand over her mouth when she saw the towel wrapped around her head, and half a face of make up done.

"I don't want to get up!" she whined, shaking her head furiously whilst the girls scoffed, she looked around her room, seeing clothes sprawled around the floor and the girls makeup messily sat atop their beds.

"Adria, you need to get dressed," Marlene giggled, a towel concealing her hair and one wrapped around her body as she stepped into the room from the bathroom.

"It's two in the afternoon!" Adria exclaimed, "we have five hours!"

"Yes, but you need to shower, get your hair and makeup done, get your dress on and woo Sirius in all of those five hours!" Mary exclaimed, her hands flailing around frantically that she almost whacked Dorcas in the face.

"You're all going to be sitting here, two hours before we have to leave all sulking because you got ready too quickly!" Adria huffed, grabbing her book that she was reading and making her way out the dormitory.

"Mrs Black!" James exclaimed from the common room sofa when he saw her descending the stairs, she rolled her eyes as she made her way over to the boys, sitting atop of Sirius' lap who smirked when he greeted her.

"Don't you look lovely," James teased, seeing the strands of her hair sticking up in all directions which Sirius patted down for her.

"I just woke up," She grumbled, "Curtesy of Lily."

"Poor you," Remus pouted teasingly, earning a glare thrown his way as she leaned her head on Sirius' shoulder.

"It is poor me, they're all getting ready for the ball, they have five hours!" she exclaimed, "four of which I could be sleeping!"

"Why did you sleep in so late anyway?" Sirius asked, tilting his head as she shrugged, a sheepish smile adorned on her lips as her cheeks heated red.

"I was reading," she mumbled, earning a scoff from Sirius who nodded his head.

"I should've known," he rolled his eyes, earning a push as she scowled.

"We were talking about operation A, and we think we should wait until summer seeing as we'll all have plenty of time to do it," James said, clasping his hands together as he kicked his legs onto the table in front of him.

"What about Remus?" Adria frowned, "couldn't we do it during janurary, there's no quidditch, there's only classes but we could cope?"

"I suppose we could," Sirius nodded, his hand running through Adria's hair as he spoke, "but if we are even remotely suspicious, especially in McGonagall's class then we'd get caught, and we really can't risk it."

"He's right, Ads," Remus smiled reassuringly, reaching over to take her hand, "you guys shouldn't be doing it in the first place, and the fact that you are is more than enough to help me, no matter when you do it, it'll be safer and far less risky if you do it during summer."

"I suppose," Adria sighed, nodding slightly, "I just wish you didn't need to do it alone anymore, y'know?"

"Yeah, I know Ads," Remus smiled, nodding his head, "but I can cope, I've coped most of my life!" he laughed, attempting to reassure her but her frown only deepened.

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