Poems - 67.

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Chapter 67

The year had hut the two-week mark until Adria left to go home for summer, and still she hadn't received any word from Sirius about his stance on if he was coming home with her. At this point she was ready to just handcuff him and force him to come with her, at least that way she would know that he would have a good summer.

Currently, seeing as it was getting much warmer, Adria and James lay beside each other on the quidditch pitch, pointing out clouds that definitely did not look like objects but informing the other that they in fact, did.

"I'm certain when I saw that the cloud there looks like Sirius," James pointed to a large cloud shaped like a blob whilst Adria let out a laugh.

"You're an idiot," she chuckled, rolling her eyes. The quidditch season had finally come to an end and much to Gryffindor's dismay, the Slytherin's won the cup. Adria couldn't help but feel terrible, being the seeker for Gryffindor she worried that they would blame her, but the team captain, who she actually liked, said that they all done their best and next year all they could do was work harder.

"Can I ask you a question?" James asked suddenly, turning to face Adria and propping his elbow up on the dry grass under him. Adria followed his lead, nodding her head with a soft laugh she propped her own elbow on the grass, too.

"Go for it, Pots," she giggled, earning a scowl at the nickname of his last name, which she thought was rather amusing.

"Have you noticed anything weird with Remus?" he asked, "I just, I feel like he's not around as much anymore, as if he just leaves sometimes, I don't know, I'm just worried is all," he sighed, frowning slightly.

She knew that she had agreed with Sirius to keep it to themselves, but James was Remus' best friend too, and technically James was the one asking her, so instead of denying it, she merely nodded her head, "he fancies someone," she smiled, "her names Blair, Remus actually told me, but he doesn't know that I know of him liking her. Sirius and myself followed him one time and he spends a large amount of time stalking the poor girl, surprisingly the time we saw him, he actually talked to her, but I'm sure that it was the first and only time he ever has!"

"Well it is Remus," James sighed, "he probably thinks he shouldn't like someone, or that he shouldn't allow himself to like someone and be all happy because at some point he is going to have to tell her," James trailed off, looking back at Adria as she finally came to the realisation of what he was getting at.

"Poor Remmy," she whispered, a frown on her lips, "he should never ever think that, Remus could have any girl, seriously, all I bloody hear these days is all these girls fancying you all, but Remus seems to like Blair, and she is lovely, she just seems like a kind girl, and if Remus likes her then she must be, so I'm sure she would like him, all of him, for who he is!"

"Yes, but like we have all said, not everyone is as understanding as we have been, Ads, and sometimes people can shock you. Some people have grown up with the thoughts that his kind are bad when they aren't, and it isn't they're fault that they think that because they were brought up thinking that, but you're right, it is sad that Remus has to go through this, and also, what do you mean all you bloody hear is girls fancying me?!"

"Exactly what I said," Adria rolled her eyes, laughing slightly as she shoved him, "of course you'd bring that up."

"Well it's important!" James exclaimed, his arms flailing about whilst Adria giggled.

"Sure, it is," she chuckled.

"I think matchmaker Adria needs to make a comeback," she spoke, "I got Finn and Milo together-"

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